  • 期刊


Study of Automatic Processes for Sampling Rice after Harvest




稻穀 坪割法 脫穀機 產量推估 自動化


To obtain information about the rice yield in Taiwan, government agencies need to conduct a survey. Moreover, over 2000 points are sampled every year for the survey. The survey work (also called the sampling method) includes harvesting, threshing, fan cleaning, drying, and weighing of rice samples, which makes it very laborious and time consuming. Therefore, there is a need for improvement. This study applied a thresher imported from Japan (method A) to process the rice samples. Meanwhile, the conventional method (method B) was also tested so as to compare their differences in wet rice weight, dried rice weight, and yield estimation. A total of 11 rice samples were collected and tested from the first and second harvest season of 2013. The results showed no significant difference between the two methods in dried sample weight, but there is a significant difference in wet sample weights. This result indicated that the wet samples contained more leaves or stems than dried samples for method B. Comparing yield estimation, there were no significant differences in dried yield or wet yield. In terms of processing time, method A only needed 16% of that of B method. These results suggest that the proposed method (method A) can be a good alternative for survey work. This study also developed an automatic control unit for oven dryers. The experimental result showed that the control unit can precisely control oven settings and obtain smaller deviation from the target value and smaller standard deviation compared to the conventional method. In addition, the system can send a text message to users' mobile phones when the oven is turned off. These proposed methods can upgrade the automatic process of rice survey work.


Rice survey work thresher yield estimation automation


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