  • 期刊


Taisugar Facility Agriculture: Development and Initial Operating Profile




1981~1984 was the most crucial turning point for the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, after World War II. At that time, Mr. Wang Yiding, Chairman of the Board, stated that the era for TSC, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, to use agriculture to foster industry had passed. The cost of producing sugar was too high, and would no longer be the main business of TSC. Making the best of the land resources and using factory and livestock waste as organic fertilizers made sustainable and perennial productivity of arable land possible. In the 1980s, TSC started producing insecticide/pesticide-free fruits and vegetables, so as to protect public health. Initially, the scale was modest, and thus the output was meager. Later, TSC ramped up huge investments of manpower and capital, so as to draw the attention of consumers to the issues of the pesticide residues on produce. Mr. Wang personally spearheaded efforts to expand the multi-crop culture, with the strategies of innovation and heightened quality control, broadening retail sales and manufacturing and advising sugarcane farmers to participate in production and distribution. The production processes were connected with academic institutions and regional Agricultural Research and Extension Stations. This offered close contacts and technical guidance, and spurred vegetable growers to churn out produce with no pesticide residues. During the 1980s, due to the establishment of the Department of Horticulture in Taiwan Sugar Research Institute, TSC Phalaenopsis Exports, leading by example, propelled domestic florists to the World arena. Providing idle farmland to build greenhouses and facilities, by the way of annual international Orchid Fair, TSC propped up publicity and made Taiwan's flower industry renowned around the world. In the 1990s, TSC planted trees more than 10,000 hectares utilizing the farmlands alongside highways and agricultural recreational farms, which far exceeded the 5,000 hectares of organic and safe ecologically friendly forest planned by the National Council of Agriculture. Moreover, the Government has developed an organic farming system for sustainable production of grain crops.
