  • 期刊


Study on the Concentration of Volatiles in the Air from Hedychium coronarium Flowers


本研究之目的係分析野薑花 (Hedychium coronarium ) 在空氣中揮發成分之濃度。試驗先以固相微萃取吸附花的揮發成分,再以氣相層析質譜儀分析其化學組成,試驗結果顯示,野薑花的揮發成分主要由trans -β-Ocimene、Linalool、Methyl benzoate 及1,8-Cineol 所組成。本研究再將新鮮的野薑花置於玻璃採樣瓶 (3 L) 中,以吸附劑Tenax TA 吸附花所釋出的揮發成分,最後以熱脫附儀-氣相層析儀-火焰離子偵測器分析揮發成分在空氣中的濃度,試驗結果顯示,4 種成分的濃度分別為4,904、9,536、405 及1,836μg/m^3。最後,本研究實際於戶外野薑花叢附近分析揮發成分在空氣中的濃度,試驗結果顯示,1,8-Cineol、Methyl benzoate 及Linalool 於白天的濃度分別為0.09±0.02、1.28±0.15 及0.80±0.13μg/m^3,此外,夜間的濃度(0.10±0.02、1.37±0.15 及0.75±0.13μg/m^3) 與白天的並無顯著差異。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the concentration of volatiles in the air from Hedychium coronarium flowers. The floral volatiles were adsorbed by SPME and analyzed using GC-MS. The results showed trans -β-ocimene, linalool, methyl benzoate and 1,8-cineol were the major components of the volatiles. In addition, the Tenax TA adsorbent was used to adsorb the volatiles emitted from fresh H. coronarium flowers placed in a 3-L glass chamber. The volatiles were analyzed using TD-GC-FID and the results showed the concentration in the air of the four volatiles were 4,904, 9,536, 405 and 1,836μg/m^3, respectively. The present study also investigated the concentration in the air of volatiles emitted from a cluster of H. coronarium flowers in the field. The results showed the daytime concentration in the air of 1,8-cineol, methyl benzoate and linalool were 0.09±0.02, 1.28±0.15 and 0.80±0.13μg/m^3. Meanwhile, the concentration in the air of the three components in daytime and nighttime (0.10±0.02, 1.37±0.15 and 0.75±0.13μg/m^3) did not show a significant difference.


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