  • 期刊


A Comparative Analysis of the National Interest Perceptions of the Keating and Howard Administrations


國家利益概念一直是研究國際政治、分析各國外交政策常用的。在界定一個國家的國家利益之前,必須先知悉什麼是「國家認同」 (national identity)?以及這個國家的歷史、文化背景、地緣政治、經濟前景以及綜合國力大小。冷戰結束後,澳洲政府與學術界為重新界定國家利益而辯論。澳洲在找尋歸類的過程中,爆發「認同危機」 (identity crisis):「我們是誰?」「我們屬於哪裡?」以及問「我們站在那一邊?」。隨著澳洲政府改組,吾人以「國家利益」概念,分析九○年代澳洲基廷工黨政府及霍華德聯盟黨政府如何處理「國家利益」?兩個不同的政黨,在執政期間有何區別?吾人列舉五項指標作為分析比較澳洲工黨政府與聯盟黨政府國家利益的同異:一、國家定位;二、經濟利益;三、政治體制;四、軍事安全;五、價值觀。


The concept of national interest is always useful for studying international politics and analyzing foreign policies. Before defining a country's national interest, we must know its “national identity” as well as its history, cultural background, geopolitical situation, economic perspective, and comprehensive national power. After the cold was, the government of Australian debated with local academic circles the definition of their national interest. During this debate, an identity crisis erupted, with Australians asking themselves: “Who are we? Where do we belong? Where do we stand?” this article uses the concept of national interest to analyze and compare the policy views of the Keating labor government and the Howard coalition government of the 1990s, using five indexes: (1) national identity; (2) economic interest; (3) political system; (4) military security; (5) value system.


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