  • 期刊


The US Policy of Direct Commercial Sales to Taiwan: A Case Study of the IDF Jet Fighter


九八二年八月,中共和美國簽署「八一七」公報,限制了美國對臺灣軍售的數量與品質。但是,一九八0年代中期以後,美國對臺灣進行了大量的軍事技術移轉,使臺灣得以製造「經國號」戰機,「成功級」軍艦,與「勇虎號」坦克車。雖然國人對自己製造的武器系統仍然缺乏充分信心,「經國號」戰機在改良之後已成為妥善率最好的機種。美國與臺灣的軍售關係也於一九九二年九月,當美國總統布希(George Bush)宣布出售F-16戰機給臺灣達到高潮。問題是,在「八一七」公報以後對臺灣不利的環境中,美國何以願意對臺灣進行軍事技術移轉?本文試圖以「經國號」戰機為個案,分析當時美國決策的背景,並期望由此對美國的未來兩岸政策有所啟發。


In August 1982, the US and the PRC signed the “August 17 Communique,” imposing both qualitative and quantitative restrictions on US arms sales to Taiwan. Since the mid-1980s, however, the US transferred military technologies to Taiwan on a large scale, enabling Taiwan to indigenously manufacture IDF jet fighters, Perry clas destroyers, and Tiger class main battle tanks. The Taiwan-US military relationship reached a high point when President Bush announced the decision to sell F-16s to Taiwan in September of 1992. Taking the IDF as a case study, this article aims at answering why, after the signing of the 1982 communique, technology transfers to Taiwan were made on such a large scale. The research method employed is one that combines both interviews with retired US government officials Who used to be involved in decision –making for the IDF with documentary analysis.


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