  • 期刊


The Problem of Latvian security at the Beginning of the 1920s


本文針對「安全」的定義做了簡短的解釋,不只強調國際的,甚至也強調國家的內部安全。文中說明雖然一九二○年代初期國際情勢改善了,但俄羅斯布什維克黨(Russia’s Bolshevik)企圖在波羅的海國家〔特別是拉脫維亞(Latvia)〕建立蘇維埃政權,如同其以往在外高加索地區的圖謀一樣,拉脫維亞的獨立還是受到威脅。拉脫維亞政府為了突破此一困境而尋求安全的政策,以及西方強權對此政策的態度,特別受到重視。拉脫維亞與期鄰國的關係,以及嘗試建立波羅的海聯盟(the Baltic Union)以作為安全堡壘的影響,也將在文中被討論。本文亦將探討拉脫維亞內部的問題,以及政府解決問題的努力,這些不只幫助拉脫維亞政府穩定國內情勢,也挫敗了共產國際、布什維克黨與蘇聯在拉脫維亞的企圖。


安全 拉脫維亞 蘇聯 內戰時期 西方強權


This article provides a brief explanation of what is meant by the term “security” and also underlines not only the international, but also the internal, security of states. The argument is that, in spite of the improvement in the international situation at the beginning of the 1920’s, Latvia’s independence was still endangered by the intentions of the Russian Bolsheviks to establish a Soviet regime in the Baltics and especially in Latvia, as done in the Trans-Caucaus. Against this backdrop, the Latvian government’s policy for security and the attitude of the Western powers to this policy is underscored. Latvia’s relations with its neighbours and the influence of these relations on attempts to form a Baltic Union as a bulwark of security are also discussed. The paper also looks at Latvia’s internal problems and the efforts of the government to tackle them, helping the Latvian government not only to stabilize the internal situation but also to frustrate the plans of the Comintern and Russian Bolsheviks in Latvia.


Security Latvia soviet Russia Western Powers Inter-war Period


Alps, V.(1930).Latvija spiegu tiklos Latvia in the web of spies.Dzive.28
Alps, V.(1930).Latvija spiegu tiklos Latvia in the web of spies.Dzive.31
Alps, V.(1930).Latvija spiegu tiklos.Dzive.29
Alps, V.(1930).Latvija spiegu tiklos.Dzive.30
Alps, V.(1930).Latvija spiegu tiklos.Dzive.32
