  • 期刊


The Conflict of Legal Status of the Kerch Strait and How It Could Inform Right of Passage Through the Taiwan Strait


克赤海峽為連接黑海與亞速海(Sea of Azov)的唯一通道,海峽通行權不管是對俄羅斯或烏克蘭或第三國都不曾發生重大問題,隨著2014年俄羅斯兼併克里米亞半島,2015年俄羅斯重啟克里米亞大橋建設後才衍生出通行權問題。然反觀臺灣海峽為連接東海與南海的海上交通要道,近來每當美國及他國軍艦通過臺灣海峽時,中國大陸軍艦即尾隨或驅離,對海峽通行權造成若干程度的影響,也提高了發生擦槍走火的可能性。2018年11月25日克赤海峽所發生的衝突事件對臺灣海峽通行權問題的啟發在於:俄羅斯利用扼控克里米亞半島之機,藉海域管轄權而限縮船舶進出克赤海峽與亞速海的通行權;同樣地,中國大陸亦可能仿效俄羅斯於克赤海峽的行為,藉在不違反《公約》前提下強化其海域管轄權而限縮外國船舶航行臺灣海峽的通行權。本文採用類比法,以克赤海峽事件所造成的通行權問題類比到臺灣海峽,作為中國大陸為限縮通行權所可能採取方式之國際法分析;據此,本文主要探討以下問題:第一,何謂「用於國際航行的海峽」及其通行權之立法背景?第二,克赤海峽是否為「用於國際航行的海峽」及其通行權問題?第三,「用於國際航行的海峽」周遭沿岸國及使用國的權利與義務關係為何?第四,臺灣海峽法律地位及其通行權的法理分析;第五,影響臺灣海峽通行權之可能性分析。


The Kerch Strait connecting the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea is the only route in and out of the Sea of Azov. Passages through the strait had been free of major issues until 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea, pushing out Ukraine; thereby controlling both sides of the strait and began quickly constructing a bridge spanning the strait. In East Asia, there is the Taiwan Strait that connects the East China Sea to the South China Sea. Unlike the Kerch Strait, the Strait of Taiwan is a significant international sea route. Recently U.S. warships and a handful of other states' warships have been sailing through the Taiwan Strait under the watchful eyes of the People's Republic of China and closely shadowed by its navy, in hopes of attempting to affect the passage of warships. From the perspectives of International Law, this paper analyzes the Kerch Strait Incident that occurred on November 25, 2018, in which it involved right of passage and how it might be applied to the Taiwan Strait situation. Five core issues to be discussed are: (1) the definition of straits and how it pertains to international navigation and taking into consideration the historical background of transit passage while formulating the Law of the Sea; (2) the international status of Kerch Strait regarding navigation and rights of passage (3) The rights and obligations of strait states and other seafaring states; (4) the legal analyses on the status of the Taiwan Strait and its passage; (5) the analysis of possibilities that could affect the passage of the Taiwan Strait.


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