  • 期刊

Food Intake Patterns among Australian Adolescents



目的:本研究目的在於評估青少年食物攝取與澳洲健康飲食指南的關聯,並且調查食物攝取型態隨年齡、性別和居住地區的變異。設計:透過學校執行的橫斷性線上飲食調查。參與者及裝置:2004-2005年,3841位來自澳洲維多利亞37所中學7年級(12-13歲)和9年級(14-15歲)的中學生完成線上 食物攝取型態調查。出象測量:由飲食頻率問卷測得食物攝取並依五大類(水果、蔬菜、肉類、奶類、穀類)和澳洲健康飲食指南(AGHE)定義的「額外」食物類作分類。在這個研究族群中分析這些食物類別,並作跨年齡、性別和地區的比較。結果:這個樣本中,有許多青少年報告的食物攝取與AGHE的建議有極大的偏離。例如,三分之二的參與者無法每天吃到建議的五大類食物;超過三分之一「很少或從來不」吃水果;22%每天吃速食。一般來說,女孩的食物攝取與飲食指標的一致性上較男孩好。地區性的差異較不一致,而在年齡上有些許的差異。結論:顯著比例的青少年的食物攝取低於澳洲健康飲食指南的建議。這個結果強調了需要公共衛生的行動來促進青少年更健康的飲食型態。


青少年 飲食 食物攝取 營養 鄉村 城市 澳洲


Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the food intake patterns of adolescents with respect to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, and to examine variations in food intake patterns by age, gender and region of residence. Design: Cross-sectional online food survey administered through schools. Participants and setting: In 2004-2005, 3841 secondary students in years seven (12-13 years) and nine (14-15 years) drawn from 37 secondary schools in Victoria, Australia completed an online food intake patterns survey. Outcome measures: Food intake was measured by a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), and categorized according to the five basic food groups (fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, cereal) and the 'extra' food group as defined by the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE). The foods groups were examined in the study population and compared across age, gender and region. Results: Many adolescents in this sample reported food intakes that deviated substantially from recommendations of the AGHE. For example, two-thirds of participants failed to consume foods from the five recommended food groups daily; over a third reported eating fruit 'rarely or never'; and 22% reported eating fast foods every day. Food intakes were generally more in line with dietary guidelines among girls than boys. Regional differences were less consistent, and there were few differences by age. Conclusion: A significant proportion of adolescents have food intakes that fall short of the recommendations outlined in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. This highlights the need for public health initiatives to promote healthier food intake patterns among adolescents.


adolescent diet food intake nutrition rural urban Australia
