  • 期刊

A Situational Review of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Interventions in Viet Nam



越南不理想的嬰幼兒哺餵習慣(IYCF)似乎是導致高比例營養不良的重要原因。然而到目前為止,並沒有人針對這點做全面地探討。這篇研究主要探討的主題如下:1) 越南嬰幼兒哺餵習慣的模式與趨勢;2) 嬰幼兒哺餵習慣的障礙和成因;3) 介入措施及相關政策的成效。研究方法包括檢視跟分析既有的資料,並且根據預先定義的概念框架來綜整和組織相關證據。結果發現,幾乎所有兒童都曾被哺餵母乳,母乳哺餵期的中位數為13-18個月。然而,頭六個月是純母乳哺餵的比例不高(8-17%),而且此比例隨著時間逐漸降低。關於輔食品的資訊有限,但有兩個關鍵問題待解決,即太早開始餵食輔食品和輔食品的營養品質不佳。理想的IYCF養成有賴政府漸進的政策、非營利組織和家人的支持和協助。養成理想的IYCF的障礙包括:1) 沒有強制執行和遵守母乳替代品行銷的法規;2) 健康照護提供者缺乏適當的知識;3) 產婦缺乏相關知識。研究發現顯示越南輔食品餵食的相關基礎資料不足,未來需加強研究。本篇回顧也重申,改善越南嬰幼兒哺餵的政策措施與計畫須分別針對不同層次:家庭、衛生體系和私營部門。


回顧 越南 母乳哺餵 輔食品餵食 嬰兒


Sub-optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices are likely a significant contributor to high undernutrition rates in Viet Nam. To date, however, there has been no comprehensive review of IYCF practices in Viet Nam. The objectives of this paper were to review: 1) patterns/trends in IYCF in Viet Nam; 2) the barriers and facilitators to IYCF practices; and 3) interventions and policies and their effectiveness. Methods used include reviewing and analyzing existing data, summarizing and organizing the evidence into broad themes based on a pre-defined conceptual framework. Findings show that the proportion of children ever breastfed is almost universal and the median duration of breastfeeding is 13-18 months. However, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is low (8-17%) and appears to be declining over time. Information on complementary feeding is limited, but two key challenges are: early introduction, and low nutrient quality of complementary foods. Facilitators of optimal IYCF were support from 1) government progressive policies, 2) non-profit organizations and 3) family members. Barriers to optimal IYCF included 1) the lack of enforcement of, and compliance with the code of marketing breast milk substitutes, 2) inadequate knowledge among health care providers; and 3) maternal poor knowledge. These findings indicate that the evidence base on complementary feeding is weak in Viet Nam and needs to be strengthened. The review also reinforces that program and policy actions to improve IYCF in Viet Nam must target multiple stakeholders at different levels: the family, the health system and the private sector.


review Viet Nam breastfeeding complementary feeding infant
