  • 期刊

Prevalence of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Taiwan: Questionnaire-based Survey for Adults Based on the Rome III Criteria



功能性腸胃道障礙(FGID)是一群無法檢查到構造上異常或病變,而必須藉由臨床上慢性或重覆出現的症狀做為診斷依據的腸胃道疾病。本研究以臺灣2005-2008年國民營養健康調查中19歲以上的受訪族群,藉由Rome III準則設計的問卷,對其做功能性腸胃道障礙的調查。共有4275個受訪者完成問卷,男女比例相當(男性2137人;女性2138人),FGID的盛行率約為26.2%。以未特定功能性腸道疾病為最多(8.9%),其次為功能性消化不良(5.3%)、腸躁症(4.4%)及功能性便秘(4.4%)。女性患有FGID的總比例較男性高(女性33.2%/男性22.4%);除了功能性腹瀉,大多種類的FGID仍以女性患者較多。功能性腸胃道障礙患者每日平均攝取的蔬菜水果份數較少(蔬菜2.51/2.70;水果0.82/0.91),用以評估憂鬱傾向的BSRS分數較高,但在抽煙、喝酒或是嚼食檳榔上則並無差異性。由此研究可知,用Rome III準則診斷的功能性腸胃道障礙在臺灣並非少見,而患者通常較年輕、蔬果攝取較少、有較高的心理壓力分數,且以女性居多。


Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) are a group of disorders of the digestive system in which the chronic or recurrent symptoms cannot be explained by the presence of structural or tissue abnormality. This survey used a modified Rome III questionnaire on the health and nutrition status of a general population in Taiwan during 2005-2008. A total of 4,275 responders completed the questionnaire. The sample was evenly distributed for men (n=2,137) and women (n=2,138). The prevalence of FGID was 26.2%. Unspecified functional bowel disorder was the most prevalent (8.9%). The second was functional dyspepsia (5.3%), and the third were irritable bowel syndrome (4.4%) and functional constipation (4.4%). Women had a greater prevalence than males (33.2% compared to 22.4%, p<0.05) with regards to total FGID. Most categories of FGID were significantly prominent in women, except functional diarrhea. The FGID groups took fewer servings of vegetables and fruits than the non-FGID group each day (vegetables 2.51 vs 2.70, p<0.001; fruits 0.82 vs 0.91, p<0.001). Smoking, alcohol consumption, and betel nut chewing had no significant impaction on prevalence of FGID. The mean BSRS (brief-symptom rating scale) for screening depression and suicide ideation was higher in the FGID group (2.86 vs 1.63, p<0.001). In conclusion, FGID diagnosed with Rome III criteria are not uncommon in Taiwan's general population. Subjects who met the Rome III criteria for FGID in Taiwan were younger, had less vegetables and fruits intake, higher BSRS scores and were of greater female predominance.


