

The purpose of clinical study is reimplantation technique used in the treatment of an avulsive teeth case. This case report is related to an avulsed tooth and its management in case of a 17 year old female gymnast player. A 17 year old girl reported to the dental clinic with swelling of upper lip and displacement of upper right central incisor and avulsion of left lateral incisor. She got the injury while she was doing gymnastics. She had lost her upper left central incisor at the gymnastic ground. Clinical examination showed swelling of upper lip, laceration on lower chin, displaced right upper central incisor, avulsed left lateral incisor and missing left central incisor. Tooth reimplantation was carried out by rinsing the avulsed tooth carefully with saline and all the contaminants were removed. The socket was then flushed with saline and the avulsed tooth was slowly reimplanted with digital pressure. Splinting of the avulsed tooth was done with a semi rigid splint for 4 weeks. Antibiotic coverage was given to the patient. Root canal treatment of the left lateral incisor and right central incisor was done. Splint was removed after 4 weeks. The avulsed teeth were placed back into the socket with the help of finger pressure. Patient was advised to avoid biting on the splinted teeth and continue to brush the other teeth, only soft foods were advised to be eaten and refrain from acidic beverage consumption. After 4 weeks the splint was removed. The results of the treatment were teeth remained symptomless and showed no sign of discoloration, gum abscesses, pulp death, teeth pain and root resorption.


Gymnast player Avulsed tooth Incisor Reimplantation Splinting
