

Introduction: There has been a growing interest in the development of gastric cancer following gastric surgery for benign disease. However, the risk is only observed after a latency of about 15 years and is increased in patients operated for gastric but not duodenal ulcers. The incidence of malignancy ranges from 2-6% in gastric remnants and a variety of causative factors have been proposed such as alkaline duodenal gastric reflux and increased N-nitroso compounds secondary to bacterial overgrowth. Case Report: We report an unusual case of a 75-year-old female who presented with recurrent vomiting. She had a gastrojejunostomy without gastric resection 25 years back. On investigation a gastric cancer was found at the anastomotic site in the efferent loop. Conclusion: Patients who have undergone surgery for ulcers should be screened using endoscopy at least once a year to detect the cancer in early stages as symptoms of cancer appear quite late and mortality is very high in advanced cases of stomach carcinoma. A complete margin negative (Ro) resection offers chances of cure in these patients.
