  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Prevention and Treatment of Enterobiasis of the Children in Shuang-Hsi District


學幼童寄生蟲病之盛行一直在衛生主管單位的努力下極力控制。本文乃針對鄉下地區學幼童做全鄉式的檢查及治療。發現在雙溪鄉,1456位學幼童中,有481名(33.0%)具蟯蟲感染,且其感染率與該學幼童家庭經濟背景,家中人口數,及平常驅蟲劑治療間並無明顯之關係。但是,國小學童中,隨著年齡之增加,其蟯蟲病罹息率隨之遞減,衛生習慣的養成與再感染率的降低有極密切的關係。 使用pyrantel pamoate或menbendazole對蟯蟲病的治療效果差不多,但是,單一次治療不是最好的方式。最好能連續治療三次,每次間隔一週,如此,治療效果最爲顯著,而且,其再感染率也最低。 團體治療或個案治療的近程效果沒有顯著的差異,但是,團體治療對再感染率的控制效果比較好。再感染率的控制才是蟯蟲病防治的最重要課題。學校教育及家庭生活對學幼童燒蟲病再感染的影響最大,所以,最好的治療及控制蟯蟲病的方法將是「家庭治療」配合「學校衛生教育」。




The prevelance of enterobiasis of children has been controlled by the government with great efforts. We had whole district survey and treatment of enterobiasis for the children of Shuang-Hsi district. Among 1456 primary school children and preschool children, the prevalence rate of enterobiasis was 33.0%. The prevalence rate of enterobiasis of Shuang-Hsi district children had no relations to the socioeconomic status, number of family member, or the frequence of antihelminthic medication for the children. But, as to the primary school children, we found the prevalence rate of enterobiasis decreased as the age of the children increased. The changing of personal hygiene habits has close relation to the decrease of the prevalence rate of enterobiasis. There was no significant difference in therapeutic effect between pyrantel pamoate and mebendazole. One-dose therapy is not the adequate method for the treatment for enterobiasis. The best way of treatment for enterobiasis is consecutive three-dose therapy (one dose every other week), as the reinfection rate is the lowest with this menthod. There was no real difference in the therapeutic effect between group therapy and case therapy. The control of reinfection is the most important problem for the prevention and treatment of enterobiasis. The school education and the family lifestyle had the most important influences on the reinfection rate in our study. The best way of the control of enterobiasis for the children will be ”Family therapy” combining with ”School health education”.
