  • 期刊

人造皮(與令成皮)製造工人二甲基甲醯胺(Dimethyl Formamide)之暴露

Exposure to Dimethyl Formamide in Resin Fabric Coating Manufacture


二甲基甲醯胺(dimethyl formamide DMF)爲良好的溶劑,廣泛地被工業界使用,做爲樹脂之溶劑。有工人暴露DMF引起腹痛及肝功能障害,已引起注意。本研究調查一家人造皮(與合成皮)製造工廠,採取巡視及空氣污染物採樣之方式,以觀察及儀器分析之結果,推論某些個別操作誘發短時間高濃度的暴露,尤其是處理機之運作及配料過程。建議採取適當措施避免這類短時期高濃度的暴露。




Dimethyl formamide (UMF), a widely used solvent for resin, has been reported to cause abdominal pain and hepatic demage. The purpose of this study was to determine the exposure concentration of DMF and other solvents in a factory of resin fabric coating. A walk-through survey was conducted and air sampling, samples from bulk solvents and samples from workers expired air were also taken and further analyzed by gas chromatography. The findings led to inference that the super-imposed, short-term, peak concentration of DMF had occurred in some operations, especially during the finishing process as well as the compounding and dispensing process. Both engineering control and good work practice should be improved in order to prevent the exposure from high concentration of DMF and other solvents.
