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The Effect of Various Chinese Style Cuisine on the Nutritive Value of Cooked Pork and the Cooking Time as Well as Energy Requirements of Various Cooking Methods


將新鮮之豬後腿肉,分別以炸、滷、炒、蒸四種烹調方法調製成家庭中常食用的調量豬肉,利用動物飼養的方法測定其淨蛋白質利用率(NPU),經以酪蛋白(casein)淨蛋白利用率爲72校正後,其淨蛋白利用率分另爲炸肉71、滷肉84、炒肉85、蒸肉90。 由其胺基酸組成中可看出,所有的調理豬肉均以含硫胺基酸(methionine + cysteine)爲限制胺基酸,必需胺基酸與非必需胺基酸之比在炸肉爲44.4%、滷肉43.57%、炒肉45.67%、蒸肉爲45.67%、每100克蛋白質中有效性離胺酸的含量爲炸肉7.43、滷肉7.20、炒肉7.70、蒸肉8.41克。 利用炸、滷、炒、蒸四種不同的烹調方法來烹調1台斤的豬肉,在人力方面之能量投入分別爲24、12、23、7分鐘。在燃料方面之能量消耗分別爲189Kcal、441Kcal、99Kcal、720Kcal。時間花費則分別爲24、110、23、52分鐘。




The adjusted NPU values of cooked pork prepared by different culinary methods were 71 for deep-fried pork, 84 for, seasoned and stewed pork, 85 for stirring fried pork and 92 for steamed pork. The amino acid composition shows that the sulphur containing amino acid (methionine + cysteine) are found to be the limiting amino acids in all the cooked pork. The ratio between essential amino acids and total amino acids of deep-fried pork, Seasoned arid stewed pork. stirring fried pork, steamed pork were 44.4%, 42.5%, 53.57%, 45.67% respectively. The available lysine content expressed as grams of amino acid per 100g of protein of deep-fried pork, seasoned and stewed pork, stirring fried pork, steamed pork were 7.43, 7.20, 7.70, 8.41 respectively. The human labor expenditure in the cooking process to prepare 0.6kg of pork by deep-frying, seasoned and stewing, stirring frying and steaming method were 24, 12, 23, 7 minutes. The energy consumption of fuel were 189, 441, 99, 720 kcal respectively. Time expenditure in the cooking process to prepare 0.6kg of pork by deep-frying, seasoned and stewing, stirring frying & steaming method were 24, 110, 23, 52 minutes respectively.
