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Studies on Some Problems of Nutrition and Sanitation in Taiwan Area-Ⅱ: Recent Feeding Pattern of Young Children in Urban Areas of Taiwan


為瞭解台灣大城市中嬰幼兒餵養現狀及母親撫育知識一般情形,而於民國70年11月採逢機抽樣方式,對大台北區、台中市、高雄市有6個月至3歲小孩之家庭作家戶問卷調查共計600戶,計大台北區405戶(67.5%)、台中市65戶(10.8%)、高雄市130戶(21.7%),資料統計處理均經電腦分析。 簡記重要結果如下:(1)一周內純吃嬰兒奶粉者占53.2%、純吃母奶者占34.7%、兼吃二者占12.1%;一月大時純吃嬰兒奶粉者占73.0%,純吃母奶者占15.3%,兼吃二者占11.7%。(2)最常用之嬰兒奶粉品牌前三位為S-26 (31.6%)、味全AG-U (26.2%)、嬰兒美(11.3%)。(3)嬰兒奶粉的選擇主要是受親友影響(54.5%)、自己決定(14.1%)等。(4)哺育嬰兒奶粉期間有另添加維生素者占59.4%。(5)嬰兒開始給予半固體食物時間以一歲(含)以上占35.7%居首,其次6個月以內占32.7%,7~11月占31.6%;第一種接觸之半固體食物為稀飯(49.3%),其次國產嬰兒米麥粉(27.1%)、外國製嬰兒米麥粉(12.8%)等。(6)停用嬰兒奶粉期間以吃到一歲(含)以上占70.8%,6月以內占23.0%,7~11月占6.2%。(7)嬰兒米麥粉89.2%為與奶粉一起沖泡在奶瓶中,只有10.8%形單獨沖泡在碗中;在單獨沖泡方式中只加水沖泡者占81.7%,其餘用糖水、菜湯、肉湯、果汁等沖泡。(8)自製嬰兒輔助食品(副食品)之比例占50.6%,種類有稀飯、肉湯、蛋黃泥、果汁等。(9)幼兒開始吃米飯或麵食後仍保持每天吃奶粉或鮮奶習慣者占45.5%,不定時吃奶粉或鮮奶者占31.2%,23.0%即很少吃奶了。(10)嬰幼兒常餵食之水果有柳丁、蘋果、香蕉、木瓜等;經常餵食之蔬菜有胡蘿蔔、菠菜、蕃茄、小白菜等。(11)嬰幼兒撫育方式由母親親自帶者占72.7%,親人帶全天(16.3%)、花錢托天帶半天者(7.0%)、花錢托人帶全天(3.2%)、托兒所(0.8%)。(12)獲得有關育嬰知識來源以親友長輩51.0%居首,其次分別為書籍雜誌(25.0%)、自己體驗(6.7%)、醫護人員(6.3%)、其他共占11.0%。




In order to find out the feeding pattern of young children aged from 6 months to 3 years in the urban areas of Taiwan, a questionaire survey of 600 families was carried out in Taipei, Taichung and Kaoshung Cities in November, 1981. The data were collected by well trained interviewers and analyzed with a computer. The main results are summarized as follows. (1) For one-week-old infants, 53.2% were fed with infant formulas, 34.7% fed with breast milk, and 12.1% fed in both ways. For the age group of one-month-old infants, 73.0% were fed with infant formulas, 15.3% fed with breast milk and 7.7% fed in both ways. (2) The top three popular formulas are S-26 (31.6%), Wei-Chuan AG-U (26.2%) and Enfamil (11.3%). (3) Regarding the choices of the brand of infant formulas, 54.5% were influenced by relatives and friends and only 14.1% were made by the parents themselves. (4) 59.4% of the infants were given additional vitamins during the infant formula feeding period. (5) 35.7% of the infants were fed with semi-solid foods at the age of one year, 31.6% at the age of 7-11 months, and 32.7% at the age of 6 months. Among the semi-solid foods, 49.3% were rice porridge, 27.1% were local-made baby cereals and 12.8% were imported baby cereals. (6) Regarding the time to stop feeding infant formula, 70.8%of infants were at one year old, 23.0% within 6 months, and 6.2% during 7-11 months. (7). In the preparation of baby cereals, 89.2% of the parents mixed the cereals with milk in the bottle and the rest prepared it in a bowl. As to the way of preparation in a bowl, 81.7% of the mothers diluted the cereals with boiled water, and the rest diluted the cereals with sugar solution, meat stock (pork, fish or chicken) and vegetable or fruit juice. (8) 50.6% of the mothers fed their babies with home-made supplementary foods, such as rice porridge, meat soup, egg yolk and vegetable or fruit juice. (9) Regarding the milk drinking habit after being accustomed to adult food such as rice or wheat products, 45.5% of young children drank milk daily, 31.2% occationally and 23.0% rarely. (10) The vegetables and fruits commonly used for these young children were carrots, spinach, tomatoes, miniature Chinese cabbage, oranges, apples, bananas, papayas etc. (11) The majority (72.7%) of young children were brought up by their own mothers, 16.3% by relatives, 7.0% by part-time baby sitters, 3.2% by full-time sitters, and only 0.8% by the nursery schools. (12) Regarding the sources of child-care knowledge, 51.0% of the parents obtained it from friends and elder relatives, 25.0% from books or magazines, 6.7% by their own experience, and only 6.3% from medical personnel.


