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AIDS Knowledge and Willingness to Seek Knowledge or to Join AIDS-related Events of the Dietitians in the AIDS-appointed Hospitals in Taiwan


本研究目的是瞭解衛生署指定愛滋病醫院營養師之愛滋病知識與求知相關意願,並探討營養師特質與其間的關係。台灣金馬澎湖地區共有20家愛滋病指定醫院,內有152位營養師。133人填答問卷,回收率為87.50%。資料經統計分析後,發現:男性營養師只有5人(3.8%)。大學或研究所以上教育程度者佔87.9%,平均工作年資8.5±6.1年。負責臨床工作之營養師有91位(68.4%)。營養師愛滋病知識和求知相關意願平均得分率分別為62%和70%。其愛滋病知識主要來、源為一般或醫學報章雜誌。願意或非常願參加院內愛滋病相關在職教育、尋找愛滋病與營養相關專業知識、院外愛滋病講習會者分別佔79%, 77%, 71%。願意或非常願意參加院內與院外愛滋病防治小組者分別為43%, 46%。單因數變異數分析結果顯示營養養師的宗教信仰和教育程度與愛滋病知識有關。卡方檢定只有宗教信仰與求知相關意願有關;單因數變異數分析除了宗教信仰外,營養師的性別與臨床經驗亦與求知相關意願有關。教育程度解釋營養師知識變異量的8.7%;愛滋病態度,宗教信仰和臨床經驗共解釋營養師求知相關意願變異量的16.8%。營養師的愛滋病知識與求知相關意願無關。


The purpose of the study was to understand AIDS knowledge (K) and willingness to seek knowledge or to join AIDS-related events (W(subscript k)) of the dietitians in the AIDS-appointed hospitals in Taiwan. In 20 hospitals, 152 dietitians served as the sample. A total of 133 completed the questionnaire. Only 5 (3.8%) were males. Dietitians were highly-educated, 87.9% owned bachelor's or higher. Mean duration of work was 8.5±6.1 years. Ninety-one dietitians (68.4%) were clinical dietitians. The mean score-obtaining rates of K and W(subscript k) were 62% and 70%, respectively. The major source of dietitians' K was from general and professional books or journals. Seventy-nine percent of dietitians were willing to participate in in-hospital AIDS education & training program, 72% to seek professional K on AIDS & nutrition, and 71% to join off-site AIDS-controled teams. Dietitians' religion and education level were related to K when analyzed with general linear model (GLM) with least square means (LSM); Only religion had relationship with W(subscript k) according to chi-square tests. However, in addition to religion, gender and clinical experience also had relationships with W(subscript k) when analyzed with GLM with LSM. Education level contributed 8.7% of K covariation while AIDS attitude, religion and clinical experience contributed 16.8% of W(subscript k) covariation. Dietitians' K and W(subscript k) were not correlated.
