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Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) 1993-1996: Dietary Nutrient Intakes Assessed by 24-Hour Recall

國民營養健康狀況變遷調查 (NAHSIT) 1993-1996:以二十四小時飲食回顧法評估國人膳食營養狀況


民國八十年七月至八十五年六月進行之「國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」,採分層多段集束隨機取樣法。本報告根據此調查13~64歲獨立樣本5834人(男2,923人,女2,911人)之二十四小時飲食回憶記綠,對國人膳食營養狀況作一評估,中藥及營養補充劑未計算在內。成人(19~64歲)的營養素攝取資料如下:男性每天平均攝取熱量2,203大卡,蛋白質82.6克,脂肪79.5克,醣類272克,蛋白質、脂肪、醣類平均攝取量佔總熱量之15.5%、33.5%、51.0%;女性每天平均攝取熱量1591大卡,蛋白質61.6克,脂肪61.6克,醣類200克,蛋白質、脂肪、醣類平均攝取量佔總熱量之15.4%、34.4%、50.1%。男性每天平均攝取1.4mg維生素B1,1.3mg維生素B2,168mg維生素C,16.2mg菸鹼酸,8090IU維生素A,7.8mg維生素E,504mg的鈣,14.2mg鐵,3821mg鈉,344mg膽固醇,5.0g粗纖維;女性每天平均攝取1.1mg維生素B1,1.1mg維生素B2,176 mg維生素C,11.8mg菸鹼酸,7809IU維生素A,7.3 mg維生素E,496 mg的鈣,11.5mg鐵,3,569鈉,264 mg膽固醇,5.2g粗織維。男性P/M/S比值是0.85/1.17/1,女性是0.95/1.15/1;P/S比值低於建議值1。就19~64歲國民整體蛋白質、脂肪、醣類的熱量比例(15.5%、34%、50.5%)而言,蛋白質、指肪比例過高,醣類比例過低;就平均維生素、及礦物質之攝取量而言,維生素A及C的攝取量則超過建議量甚多,只有男女性維生素E、鈣質、及女性的鐵質的平均攝取量不及建議量;男女性平均膽固醇攝取量未超過建議上限400mg。各年齡層之膳食營養狀況則和整體狀況略有差異,詳述於報告內,一般而言,13~24歲女性及13~15歲男性的維生素及礦物質攝取量最為不足;但這些年輕男女性及55~64歲女性的醣類比例在各年齡層為最高。此調查將臺灣地區分成七層:客家、山地、東部、澎湖、直轄市、省轄市與省一級鄉鎮、省二級鄉鎮,其膳食營養各有特色:客家層的蛋白質佔總熱量百分比較高,維生素E攝取較少;山地層維生素B2、鈣、鐵、粗織維飲食攝取較其他層別少;澎湖地區維生素B1、維生素A、脂肪、飽和脂肪酸、單元不飽和脂肪酸、脂肪佔總熱量百分比較其他層別低,菸鹼酸、多元不飽和脂肪酸、P/S、蛋白質與醣類佔總熱量百分比攝取較高;直轄市地區維生素B2、菸鹼酸、鈣、鐵、膽固醇攝取較其他層別多,P/S較低;省轄市及省一級鄉鎮維生素E與多元不飽和脂肪酸攝取較低;省二級鄉鎮單元不飽和脂肪酸的飲食攝取量與脂肪佔總熱量百分比較高,蛋白質佔總熱量百分比攝取較低。此次調查的結果以前兩次調查同樣方式運算比較,顯示國人熱量、蛋白質、脂肪、醣類、維生素E、鈉、鐵、單元不飽和脂肪酸攝取較前兩次調查略低;維生素A、B1、B2、C、鈣、飽和脂肪酸、膽固醇攝取則較高;粗纖維維持不變;蛋白質佔熱量百分比增加,P/S下降。閱讀此次調查結果,應考慮下列幾個因素:二十四小時飲食回憶法略有低估的傾向、營養成分以食品工業發展研究所所新建立的資料庫為主,新舊資料庫可能有系統誤差存在。


A Nutrition and Health Survey carried out in 1993-1996 used a multi-staged, stratified, clustered sampling design. A representative, and season-balanced sample of Taiwan was obtained from 21 townships, 3 each in 7 geographical or cultural strata. 24-hour recalls were obtained from 5,834 individuals (2,923 men and 2,911 women) aged 13-64. Chinese herbs and nutrient supplements were not included in the calculation of dietary intakes. Mean daily intakes of calories and macro-nutrients for men are: 2,203 kcal, 82.6g of protein, 79.5g of fat, and 272g of carbohydrate. Protein, fat, and carbohydrate consist of 15.5%, 33.5%, and 51% of the total calories, respectively. Mean intakes of calories and macro-nutrients for women are: 1,569 Kcal, 61.6g of protein, 61.1g of fat, and 200g of carbohydrate. Percent calorie from protein, fat, and carbohydrate were 15.4%, 34.4%, and 50.1%, respectively. Men ingested daily 1.4mg of thiamin, 1.3mg of riboflavin, 16.2mg of niacin, 168mg of ascorbic acid, 8090 I.U. of vitamin A, 7.8mg of vitamin E, 504mg of calcium, 14.2mg of iron, 3821mg of sodium, 344mg of cholesterol, and 5.0g of crude fiber. Women ingested 1.1 mg of thiamin, 1.1mg of riboflavin, 11.8mg of niacin, 176mg of ascorbic acid, 7,809 I.U. of vitamin A, 7.3mg of vitamin E, 496mg of calcium, 11.5mg of iron, 3,569mg of sodium, 264mg of cholesterol, and 5.2g of fiber. P/M/S ratio was 0.85/1.17/1 for men and 0.95/1.15/1 for women. The P/S ratio was lower than 1, the recommended value. The vitamin E/polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio was 0.36 for men and 0.41 for women. Overall speaking, the levels of percent calorie from fat and protein were higher, but that of carbohydrate was lower than the ideal values. Mean dietary intakes of vitamin E and calcium in men and women and iron in women were not above the values of the recommended daily nutrient allowances (RDNA). Dietary intakes of vitamin A and ascorbic acid were much beyond RDNA. Dietary cholesterol intake did not exceed 400 mg, recommended upper limit. There were some differences in dietary nutrient intakes among various age and sex groups. Women aged 13-24 and men aged 13-15 had the lowest values in % RDNA of several vitamins and minerals among all age-sex groups. However, carbohydrate intakes were the highest for these young people and for women aged 55-64. In this survey, Taiwan was divided according to dietary habits, geographic locations and urbanization index into 7 strata: Hakka area, mountainous area, eastern coastal area, Peng-Hu islands, metropolitan areas, provincial cities and class I townships, and class II townships. Unique characteristics of Hakka area was that percent calorie from protein was the highest and dietary vitamin E level was the lowest in comparison with others. Dietary intakes of riboflavin, calcium, iron, and crude fiber of the mountainous area were lower than those of other strata. Levels of thiamin, fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and calorie from fat were lower in Peng-Hu than other strata. Levels of niacin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, P/S ratio, protein, and calorie from carbohydrate were higher than those of others. The metropolitan areas had higher intakes of riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, and cholesterol, but lower P/S ratio. The provincial cities and class I townships had lower intakes of vitamin A, vitamin E, and polyunsaturated fatty acids than others. Class II townships had higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and percent calorie from fat, but lower level of calorie from protein than others. In comparison with previous two surveys, levels of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, calcium, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and percent calorie from protein were higher than before, but levels of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin E, sodium, iron, monounsaturated fatty acids, and P/S ratio were lower than before. Percentage of fat and carbohydrate and crude fiber intake was similar to the previous survey values.


24-h recall dietary survey nutritional status Taiwan Chinese


