  • 期刊


Endodontic Treatment of an Upper First Premolar with Three Canals-Cases Report


了解根管形態,對根管進行徹底清創並緻密充填,是根管治療成功的要件,缺一不可。一般而言,牙醫師常會認為上顎第一小臼齒大多只有雙根管,而忽略了可能有額外根管,以至於遺漏治療。根據學者統計上顎第一小臼齒有三根管之比率約為0%-9.2%(上标 1-10),且因人種不同於統計上有極大差異。本文提出三個患者共有四顆三根管之上顎第一小臼齒的病例報告,以X光片判讀及臨床操作過程說明如何判斷及治療此類病例,並整理歷年學者統計上顎第一小臼齒有三根管之比率數據,此三個病例經根管治療後目前預後良好。若能充分掌握根管形態必能大大減少遺漏根管,進而提升根管治療的成功率。


The importance of thorough cleaning, shaping, and dense filling in successful endodontic treatment is well recognized. However, a lack of study of the configurations of root canal systems before treatment may lead to failure. Dentists who assume that there are only 2 canals in the upper first premolar in most people could miss the possibility of there being an extra canal. This assumption might cause incomplete treatment. According to previous studies, the probability of having 3 canals in an upper first premolar is 0%~9.2%. The prevalence varied significantly among racial groups. This paper collected statistical data of upper first premolars with 3 canals from previous studies and presents 4 cases of such a canal configuration among 3 patients. Radiographic and clinical processes are used to illustrate how the cases can be diagnosed and treated. All cases in this report received optimistic prognoses after treatment. The findings suggest that if the root and root canal morphology can be closely examined, the possibility of missing extra canals is considerably decreased. Consequently, the success rate of endodontic treatment can be improved.
