  • 期刊


Dental Caries and Related Factors in Children 0 to 6 Years Old in Northern Taiwan


本研究之目的,瞭解北部地區0-6歲兒童齲齒狀況。資料收集採分層多段隨機集采抽樣調查設計,針對北部地區幼稚園、托兒所幼童進行抽樣,共抽樣1344人,實際完成檢查人教1213人(90.25%)。研究結果顯示北部地區平均乳牙齲齒經驗指教(deft index)為3.67顆,乳牙齲齒盛行率為61.48%,乳牙填補率為25.83%;男生平均乳牙齲齒經驗指數(deft index)為3.68顆,女生為3.67顆,二歲到三歲期間是幼童齲齒增加的關鍵期,乳牙龋齒盛行率亦隨著年齡增加而增加。本研究發現父母親教育程度及社經地位越高其口腔保健知識、態度分數就越高,其子女乳牙龋齒經驗指數、乳牙龋齒盛行率相對的比較低。


In this study, we surveyed the dental health of preschool children in northern Taiwan Study subjects were recruited using a stratified multistage random cluster sampling method. Among the 1344 children recruited, 1213 took part in the survey. The response rate was 90.25%. The results indicate that the mean decayed, extraction, and filled teeth (deft) of preschool children in northern Taiwan was 3.67, the caries prevalence rate of deciduous teeth was 61.48%, and the filling rate was 25.58%. The mean deft values for boys and girls were 3.68 and 3.67, respectively. The age between 2 to 3 years old is a critical period for toddlers due to an increase in the number of decayed teeth. The deft index values increased with age. The study also found that parents with a higher sociodemographic status scored higher on knowledge and attitudes of dental care, and the deft index as well as prevalence rate of their children were both relatively low.


deft index caries prevalence filling rate


王清雅(2009)。臺北市大安區某國中學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素之研究 --健康信念模式之應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315164482
