  • 學位論文


A Study of Dental Caries and Affectors of 0-6 Years old Children in Eastern of Taiman

指導教授 : 黃純德


台灣東部六歲以下兒童齲齒狀況及相關因素之探討 中文摘要 背景:台灣東部地區醫療資源與西部相比很大的差異性,本研究主要探討醫療資源的缺乏對於兒童齲齒狀況的影響。 目的:探討台灣東部0-6歲兒童齲齒狀況與口腔清潔、飲食習慣、就醫習慣的相關性。 方法:本研究研究對象取自高雄醫學大學┌台灣六歲以下兒童口腔健康習慣調查計劃┘樣本數共600人。本研究採用分層多段隨機集束抽樣法,抽樣機率乃依據等比隨機抽樣(PPS)方式。問卷包括收集相關飲食、潔牙、看牙醫經驗資料及口腔健康檢查。資料庫使用MS Access,資料分析使用SAS 及JMP軟體。 結果:本研究樣本男生317人(52.82%)、女生283人(47.18%),兒童的deft index為5.02±4.82、齲齒顆數為 4.09顆,齲齒盛行率71.93%,居住在鄉村的兒童的deft index為5.32±4.86、齲齒顆數為4.68顆,齲齒盛行率73.32%,,明顯高於其他居住在市、鎮的兒童,顯示出兒童並未受到足夠的口腔醫療照護。 結論:台灣東部居住鄉的的兒童其deft index及齲齒盛行率皆高於居住在市的兒童,卻有較低的填補率,顯示出醫療缺乏的地區所得到的醫療照護是不足的,大部分的兒童都是因為牙痛才去診所就診,有看牙醫經驗的兒童有較高的齲齒盛行率,由此可見大部分的家長仍是把看牙醫作為醫療取向服務單位,所以我們必須加強衛教宣導讓幼兒尚未有齲齒時就能至牙科診所接受預防性的塗氟或裂溝封填的工作,定期回診所牙齒檢查,以達到早期診斷早期治療的目的,同時可以降低兒童對於牙醫師的恐懼感,對兒童幫助是相當大的。


齲齒 0-6歲兒童


Dental Caries and Affected Factors Of 0-6 Years Old Children In Eastern Taiwan Abstract Background: The resources of eastern Taiwan are fewer than the west. The aim of this paper was to study the affect of medical resources on children dental oral condition. Aim: To study the eastern Taiwan children aged between 0 to 6 years old, their dental health status and relation to diet and oral hygiene habits, and seeking medical care behavior. Method: The study included 600 cases from Kaohsiung Medical University’ (Mouth Hygiene behavior of Taiwan children below 6 years old.) We used multiple layered randomized method, the randomized rate used PPS method. A questionnaire included food intake, brushing teeth, dentist seeking experience and oral examination data. A data-base was desinged using MS Access and were analyzed using SAS and JMP. Result: There were 317 males (52.82%), 283 females (47.18%). enrolled in this study. The deft index was 5.02±4.82 for east Taiwan children caries rate 4.09, the caries prevalence rate was 71.93%. The deft index was 5.32±4.86 for children living in the country-side, caries rate 4.68, and the caries prevalence rate was 73.32%, significantly higher than those children living in cities and towns. This shows that these children have insufficient oral medical care. Conclusion: Children living in eastern Taiwan country-side, had higher deft index and caries prevalence rate than those living in the city, while their filling rate was lower, It shows that those living in areas with insufficient resources medical receive inadequate medical care. Most children visit dentist only when they had suffered tooth pain. That is why the caries rate for these children was higher. Most parents do not consult a dentist unless their child is experenceing.pain or discomfort. So we need to strengthen health promotion for infants who are caries to see their dentist for preventive fluoride application and filling of any fissures in their teeth. Parents and caregivers should be advised to visit a dental for routine check up, to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment, also to decrease the fear of dentists. This health promotion will be of great help to these children.


Dental caries 0-6 Year-old children


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