  • 期刊


A Study of Cultivation of Containerized Mycorrhizal Seedlings of Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides)



臺灣杉係本省中海拔重要的造林樹種,造林面積有逐年增加的趨勢。為因應未來造林上的需求,如何提供優良造林材料遂成重要課題。有鑑於此,本研究乃結合容器育苗技術之優點及囊叢技菌根所具有的功能,以期縮短育苗期並提高苗木品質。試驗以黑色塑膠缽為主要容器,在接種Glomus mosseae後,測試菌根及無菌根容器苗之生長反應,試驗項目及結果如下:(1)生長介質以泥炭土1:底土1:蛭石1(V/V)及泥炭土1:底土1:蛇木屑1兩種生長介質最有利於菌根功能的發揮及苗木的生長;(2)容積大小之效應以150ml容積對苗木生長及菌根功能的發揮最為有利,50ml及100ml的容積阻礙苗木生長並限制菌根功能的發揮;(3)施肥效應顯示(a).氮肥型態並未明顯影響臺灣杉菌根化容器苗之生長,氮及磷肥適量施用則有利菌根發育及苗木生長;(b).Osmocote緩效性肥料之施用最利於臺灣杉菌根化容器苗之發育,牛糞堆肥次之,至於雞糞及豬糞肥則無明顯之效應;(4)水分效應顯示當介質平均含水率在80%及60%時,臺灣杉菌根化容器苗之生長並未受影響,惟含水率降至40%時則影響幼苗生長;(5)光度效應顯示75%的光度對臺灣杉菌根化容器苗的生長最佳,過低的光度影響地上部的生長及根部生長。由上述結果顯示選用適當介質、較大容積,並對介質的養分、水分狀況及光度給予適當管理,則能培育出優良臺灣杉菌根化容器苗以供造林之需。


臺灣杉 容器育苗 菌根


Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) is an important native tree species of Taiwan. Young plantations of Taiwania are established all over the Island and the trend is rising. To meet the increasing demands of Taiwania for reforestation needs the purpose of our study is to provide a better understanding to all fundamental and applied aspects of cultivating containerized mycorrhizal seedlings of Taiwania by examing their responses, either incoculated with Glomus, mosseae or without inoculation, to different factors relate to their cultivation were investigated. Seedlings were cultivated in greenhouse and after nine months of growth, the height, top dry weight, root dry weight and mycorrhizal infection of seedlings were measured. Results obtained showed: (1) the growth medium of peat moss 1: vermiculite 1: forest soil 1 (v/v) was better than others media for mycorrhizal seedlings; using media of high nutrients could result in poor seedling growth (2) container size of 150cm 3 was found to be suitable for mycorrhizal development; container of 100cm^3 or smaller, however, would inhibit the growth of roots; (3) seedlings did not respond differently to different nitrogen-sources (NO 3-N or NH 4-N); slow-release fertilizer (Osmocote-commercial product), however, significantly increased seedlings growth; (4) medium moisture content of 60%-80% was optimum for the growth of mycorrhizal seedlings; medium moisture of 50% or lower would seriously stunt seedlings growth; (5) a light regime of 75% of full light was critical to the mycorrhizal development; below this critical light regime seedling growth decreased. These results indicate that appropriate mangement of cultivating environment is important to the establishment of containerized Taiwania mycorrhizal seedlings. While the requirements for cultivating containerized mycorrhizal seedlings of other species may be different from those report here for Taiwania it is, however, obvious that study similar to ours should be carried out for other species if optimum production of their containerized mycorrhizal seedlings are desirable.
