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Science Fiction and the Intellectual Enlightenment for the Young Adult




Science fiction is a division of popular literature which is very popular in the Western world, but it doesn't earn that much reception in our society. The present article argues that the elements inherent in science fiction such as awareness of possibility, novum, cognitive estrangement, and alterity are conducive for the intellectual enlightenment for the young adults. By briefing a history of the genre, contrasting science fiction and non-science fiction, the author tried to reveal how it can be so significant to provoke scientific imagination and philosophical contemplation for the reader. The author also indicated that as a medium between philosophy and science, science fiction can serve as a bridge for their constant dialogue. Lastly, some major writers' works, including those of Shelly, Stevenson, Orwell, Asimov and Crichton, were exemplified to reveal how philosophical issues in ethics, politics, logic as well as ontology were properly proposed by SF writers. In conclusion, science fiction can serve best for the intellectual growth on the young in unconscious way because it conglomerates literary interest into scientific and philosophical discourses.


Docherty, Thomas(1996).Alterities: Criticism, History, Representation.Oxford, UK:Oxford University Press.
Gunn, James(ed.),Barr, Marleen(ed.),Candelaria, Matthew(ed.)(2009).Reading Science Fiction.London:Palgrave.
Heidegger, Martin(1993).Basic Writings.London:Routledge.
McCracken, Scott(1998).Pulp: Reading Popular Fiction.Manchester:Manchester University Press.
Roberts, Adam(2000).Science Fiction.London:Routledge.


