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Calculation and Program Design of Decompression Procedure of Human Tissue during Dive


當人類欲潛入水底作長時間之停留時,即可能面臨減壓病(Decompression sickness)之危機。如何在上升途中作分步減壓(Staged decompression),亦即在何處停留以及停留多少時間,才能安全抵達水面而不致罹患潛水減壓病,成為海底醫學界專家學者所鑽研之主題。美國海軍空氣減壓表之產生,乃應用了組織半飽和時間(Tissue half time),最大氮容量(M-value)之觀念及惰性氣體交換方程式(Inert gas exchange equation),經過一系列之數學演算而導出。有鑑於計算過程之繁複,我們利用「BASIC」電腦語言,設計出一套計算程式,以便初學者在了解其基本原理後,能迅速地得到減壓程序的答案。


When intending to dive under water for a long period, one is likely confronted with the risk of decompression sickness. The development of United States Navy (USN) Air Decompression Table is aimed at answering the question of how to carry out the decompression procedure during ascent so that one can surface safely. In this text, we will first introduce the concept of tissue half time (T 1/2) and maximum allowable nitrogen pressure (M-value), and then deduct the inert gas exchange equation. Through a series of sophisticated mathematic calculation, the result of decompression procedure, where to stop and how long to stay, will be obtained. In order to facilitate calculating, we have designed a computer program by using the ”BASIC” language, which undoubtedly provide us with a much easier way to learn the USN Air Decompression Table.


USN Air Decompression Table
