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Morbidity and Mortality of Low Birth Weight Infants in Tso-Ying NGH


左營海軍總醫院小兒科從民國72年12月成立新生兒加護室至76年11月止,4年間,共有291例低出生體重兒住進本院嬰兒室及新生兒加護病房,茲就其預後分析其疾病及死亡資料。227例(佔78%)是在本院產房出生,64例(佔22%)是在院外婦產科出生然後轉送至本院。足月生產佔25.1%。男女比例為1:1.14。最常見的疾病為血膽紅素過高症(26.1%),呼吸窘迫症(16.8%),腹瀉(16.8%)及敗血症(9.2 %)。新生兒死亡率為10.0%。死亡的原因以呼吸窘迫(48.3%)及敗血症(20.7%)最常見。和死亡最有關的是懷孕週數及出生體重,其它如男性、院外出生、帝王或臀式生產、出生體重小於750公克、患呼吸窘迫症、敗血症、壞死性腸炎、胎便吸入及先天畸形的死亡率較高。


There were 291 cases of low birth weight infants admitted to the Newborn Center of Naval General Hospital Tso-Ying, over the past four years, from Dec., 1983 to Nov., 1987. The morbidity and mortality were analyzed retrospectively. 227 cases of them were inborns. 25.1% were term SGA infants. Male to female ratio was 1: 1.14. The most common disease were hyperbilirubinemia (26.1 %), respiratory distress syndrome (16.8%), diarrhea (16.8%) and sepsis (9.2%). The neonatal mortality rate was 10.0%. The main causes of death were respiratory distress syndrome (48.3%) and sepsis (20.7%). The factors which are related to the mortality rate include gestational age, birth weight, male sex, out borns, cesarian section, breech delivery, extremely low birth weight, hyaline membrane disease, sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, meconium aspiration and congenital anomaly.
