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Chronic Illness and the Family: A Review of Sources of Stress



今日醫療照護科技精進,解決不少危急的健康問題,卻造成全球病患的群體中慢性病患者日益趨多的現象,亦使其存活的時間比往昔增長。相關研究報告會一致提出証明:家入中不論是孩童或成人一旦罹患慢性疾病或殘障問題,確實使其本身及其整個家庭單位遭受到相當大的衝擊。甚至,還帶給家庭,社會,公共和私有資產等嚴重的負擔。因此,顯而易見慢性疾病所釀造的問題層面至鉅。本文即根據研究設現,針對慢性病患的家庭日復一日、所經歷的多重壓力源及因應措施, 作一評論。其中包括:(1)資訊交流與溝通的困難,(2)家庭銀根緊縮現象(3)各類服務成效不彰,(4)照護工作計劃實施分歧(5)照護病患的時間支配不均,(6)鄰近地區的安全顧慮,(7)各界歧視的待遇,(8)促使一切正常化的要求,(9)個人生活型態的正常化,(10)家庭生活步調正常化,等十頂壓力的來源。不可諱言地,蘊藏其間有關各種不同的家庭需求,以及錯綜複雜的家庭功能性質,己使得與慢性病患及其家庭共事的醫護人員面臨特殊的挑戰。所幸,若欲提供病患及其家庭完善統整的照護時,則本文提示的慢性病患家庭的十大壓力來源,應可供「家庭醫護」人員進行問題評估的參考。此外,身為醫護專業人員的我們還必須澈底瞭解我們自己與慢性病患的家庭成員之間,價值觀的差異所在;以備在作任何決定的過程當中,能面面俱到,以及重視彼此間對事物所持看法或偏好,俾使對慢性病患及其家庭的照護工作達到盡善盡美之境界。


In today's world of high technology medical care, the chronically ill population is likely to be sicker, and to live much longer than they did in the past. Research has consistently documented that a chronic illness in a family member has an impact on individual family members as well on the family unit. In addition, children and adults with a chronic illness or disabling conditions place a major burden upon their families and community public and private resources. Thus, the scope of the problem is certainly large. According to the findings from some research, this paper presents an overview of sources of ongoing stress for families with a chronically ill member. These are the day-to-day issues that families face, which in clude 1) communication and information, 2) financial strain on family, 3) the importance of services, 4) intervention programs, 5) time management, 6) neighborhood, 7) discrimination, 8) normalization, 9) normalization of the individual's life, and 10) normalization of family life. As a result, the diversity of family needs and the complex nature of family functioning pose special challenges health professionals responsible for working with the chronically ill people and their families. In order to provide coordinated and comprehensive care, the sources of stress identified in this paper are areas that need to be included in the assessment of family health care. Further, we, as the health professionals, also need to be aware of the differences between our values and those of the family members to understand and appreciate these values and preferences in the decision making process.
