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A Survey on the Knowledge of Survival Chance of Preterm Infants and the Manangment of Preterm Labor among Obstetricians


為了解台灣地區婦產科醫師對早產兒存活率的認知以及對早產的處理方式,我們選擇284位中華婦產科醫學會的會員以郵寄方式做問卷調查。由收到的57份回函中,我們發現婦產科醫師對於早產兒存活率的認知差異相當大,同時大部份人都有低估的情形,49.2%的回覆者相信早產兒的存活率在懷孕30週以後才能達到50%,而75.5%的人相信早產兒存活率在懷孕34週以後才能達到90%,此種認知上的差異可能導致婦產科醫師未能對某些存活率不錯的早產胎兒做積極的處理。至於早產的處理方式,除了以使用β-adrenergic agonist來安胎大家意見一致外,其他如何時停止使用安胎藥、是否使用皮質類脂醇、使用皮質類脂醇的時機與方式、是否做羊膜穿刺術等在婦產科醫師間看法仍非常分歧。


A survey was conducted to examine the knowledge of survival chance of preterm infants and the management of preterm labor among obstetricians in Taiwan area. Multiple choice questionnaires were mailed to 284 selected members of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of the Republic of China. Among the 57 respondents, the perception of neonatal survival chance varied markedly, and many obstetricians underestimated the potential of neonatal survival chance varied markedly, and many obstetricians underestimated the potential of neonatal survival: 49.2% respondents believed neonatal survival rate reached 50% only after 30 weeks gestation, and 75.5% respondents believed neonatal survival rate reached 90% only after 34 weeks. As a result of this underestimation, obstetricians might restrict aggressive treatment for some potentially viable fetuses. On the management of preterm labor, there were no consensus on the timing of stopping tocolytic agents, the usage of corticosteroid, and the performance of amniocentesis.


Preterm Labor Premature Survival Rate Survey
