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Clinical Application and Prospective Views of Carbamazepine


Carbamazepine (CBZ,癲通,Tegretol)除了可用來治療癲癇之外,目前常被用來治療一些精神疾病,如躁鬱症、衝動控制不佳、及療效不佳的憂鬱症。由於它與其代謝物均有誘生肝臟代謝酶—細胞色素P450(cytochrome P450)的作用,臨床上如果與其他藥物合併使用的話,通常需要注意藥物間的交互作用,同時也應監測藥物的血中濃萬與其臨床療效;另外,因有少數人對此藥有特異性的過敏反應,反應嚴重時可能會致命,而這些過敏反應的發生通常與劑量無關。目前已發現參與代謝作用的環氧化物水解酶(epoxide hydrolase)之活性可能與導致畸胎形成、癌病的生成、及部份的過敏性皮膚病有關,但仍無法解釋所有的特異性的過敏反應,因此可利用CBZ來發現癲癇及情感性精神病的致病機轉,並可找出特異性過敏反應的產生因素。


Carbamzepine, in addition to its usage for epilepsy, is now used in several psychotic diseases, such as bipolar disorder, poor impulse control, and refractory depressive disorder. Because carbamzepine and its major metabolites have the autoinducation effects on hepatic metabolic enzymatic pathways, its serum level should be monitored while used in combination with used in combination with other drugs. It also has been reported to induce idiosyncratic hypersensitivity syndromes in some patients and this effect is independent of the applied dosage. Since possible teratogenic potential, cancer development, and part of idiosyncratic skin lesions are related to the activity of epoxies hydrolase, one could endeavor to discover the mechanism of epilepsy and affective disorders as well as possible inducing factors for idiosyncratic hypersensitivity syndromes based on the knowledge derived from carbamazepine researches.
