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Screening School Children for Scoliosis in Pingtung


脊柱側彎篩檢是一個早期偵測脊柱變形的良好技術,本研究以屏東地區國小一至六年級學童為對象,共有919位學童參與篩檢,男女學童分別有469人及450人,漢人及排灣族學童分別有325人及594人,平均年齡為10.03±1.73歲。研究以脊柱側彎計測量身體軀幹扭曲的角度,並以超過5度的軀幹扭曲度為脊柱側彎的轉檢標準,所有參與篩檢的學童中,共有75位學童軀幹扭曲度超過5度,這些學童經轉介後,以x光進行胸腰椎的追蹤檢查,並以Cobb angle大於或等於10度定義為脊柱側彎。研究結果顯示脊柱側彎的轉檢率達8.16%,而所有學童脊柱側彎盛行率為1.4%男學童有0.64%,女學童有2.22%,男女學童脊柱側彎的盛行率比為1:3.4 7漢人學童有0.92%,排灣族學童有1.68%,漢人與排灣族學童脊柱側彎的盛行率比為1:1.83而陽性預測值為17.3%。根據本研究結果,學童脊柱側彎篩檢是早期發現脊柱側彎的有效方法,值得在國中、小學階段推展。


脊柱側彎 篩檢 學童


School screening programs for scoliosis are an acceptable technique for the early detection of spinal deformities. A prevalence study in Pingtung area, the south of Taiwan, was conducted among 919 primary school children (469 boys, 450 girls; 325 Han children, 594 Pai-Wan children) with a mean age of 10.03 ± 1.73. Scoliosis screening was examined using a scoliometer to specify the angle of trunk rotation (ATR). The referral rate (the criterion for referral was ATR> 5 degrees) in the screened population of children was 8.16%, which were subsequently referred to an X-ray evaluation of the thoracolumbar spine. The prevalence rate of scoliosis (defined as a Cobb angle of 10 degrees or more) was 1.4%; 0.64% among boys, and 2.22% among girls, with a male to female ratio of 1:3.47; 0.92% among Han children, and 1.68% among Pai-Wan children, with a Han to Pai-Wan children ratio of 1:1.83; and a positive predictive value of 17.3%. School screening is an effective method of early detection of scoliosis, and is worth doing so in the future.


scoliosis screening school children
