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The Critical Factors and Managerial Strategies for Supply Chain Management Established in the Taiwan Milkfish Industry



近年來,資訊科技、網際網路的快速發展,帶動國內整體產業或個別企業經營模式的轉變,不論是作業或管理層面的「整合」觀念已儼然成為風潮,其中供應鏈管理(supply chain management, SCM)即藉由整合「物流」、「資訊流」、「商流」與「金流」協助企業提升其從原料取得、生產製造到配送至終端客戶的作業流程效率更受到重視。台灣自加入WTO後,在市場開放及關稅降低下,國內漁產品的產銷競爭已邁入國際化,虱目魚乃國內重要大宗養殖漁貨之一,且傳統的產銷體系已遭遇嚴苛的挑戰,凸顯其不但有長期供需失調的問題,且分散的產銷組織網路亦缺乏上、中、下游的合作關係。有鑑於此,本研究目的即將供應鏈管理理念應用於此產業,冀望讓市場通路中的生產者、運販商、批發商、零售商等能結合互惠,以期達到作業上的經濟效益及共同承受市場風險。本研究透過問卷瞭解產業界、漁業行政人員及相關專家學者對推動供應鏈管理系統建置之看法,並採用因素分析法萃取出影響虱目魚供應鏈之重要決定因素(critical factors),同時藉由SWOT剖析虱目魚產業運作之優劣勢,進而推論台灣虱目魚產業導入供應鏈管理之具體作法。基本上本文研究所獲致結果有利於虱目魚產業相關業者強化供應鏈管理系統建置及政府制定相關政策措施之參考。


Milkfish is a major aquaculture product in Taiwan. The processes of production and marketing channels of the product are complicated and lack of efficient trade mechanism, which lowers producer reasonable profits and consumer benefit. Thus, integrating the production and marketing channels including the consumer need, order form manufacturing, products certification, transportation and sailing system, etc. is important. Basically, establishing a highly efficient supply chain management system will tend to save costs and promote the value added.This study tries to examine the supply chain system of milkfish, and to evaluate the processes and structures of producing and marketing channels in order to find the problems and difficulties of the industries. The purpose of the research is to search the critical factors that make the intercalation of leading supply chain management into the Taiwan milkfish industry successful. The study will also provide suggestions on how to increase the supply capacity and improve efficiency of marketing channels. It will also serve as a reference to improve the industry value. By questionnaire survey and factor analysis, the major key factors for Supply management system which introduction into Taiwan Milkfish Industry have been explored. Eventually, the results of this survey provide the useful information to help the firm and government for strategic management and policy-making.


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