  • 期刊


The Application of Bruner's Theory in Cognitive Development of the Elementary and Junior High School Students


本研究利用自編的認知表徵能力測驗,分别測量中小學生的動作表徵、影像表徵與符號表徵等三種認知表徵能力,藉以驗證布魯納認知發展理論的正確性及其在我國實際應用的可能性。 本研究所使用的認知表徵能力測驗,是研究者根據布魯納的認知發展理論而設計。內容包含數學、物理、化學、生物及地球科學等方面教材;每一試題均同時包含三個子題,分别代表動作表徵、影像表徵及符號表徵材料。為避免在測驗中產生學習起見,測驗實施時,每一試題的三個子題均先呈現符號表徵材料,再呈現圖片材料,最後再呈現實際操作性材料。 為比較不同性别、年級國小學生表徵能力差異,以北市國小三至六年級學生共160名(男女各半)為受試,接受認知表微能力測驗。以二因子多變項變異數分析、二因子重覆量數變異數及趨向分析處理資料的結果發現:國小男女生的三種認知表徵能力有顯著差異。各年級學生皆為動作表徵能力最高,影像表徵能力次之,符號表徵能力最低。年級愈高,三種表徵能力也愈高。 為此較不同性别、年級國中學生表徵能力差異,則以北市國中一至三年級學生共120名(男女各半)為受試,接受認知表徵能力測驗。以二因子多變項變異數分析及二因子重覆量數變異數及趨向分析處理資料結果發現:國中男女生的三種認知表徵能力並無顯著差異。各年級學生三種能力也無差異存在。惟各年級學生在符號表徵能力的差距最大,在動作表徵能力的差距最小。 為探討不同智力組認知表徵能力差異,以北市及北縣國小啟智班、普通班及資優班四年級生及國中益智班學生各40名為受試,分别接受認知表徵測驗,以單因子多變項變異數分析處理,結果發現:資優生的三種表徵能力皆優於普通生及智能不足生。各組學生的三種表徵能力,皆以動作表徵能力最高,其他依次為影像表徵能力與符號表徵能力。 為探討不同教學策略效果,以北縣國小五年級學生150名為受試,隨機分成三組,每一組受試皆以個别方式接受不同教學策略,然後再接受認知學習測驗。所得資料以單因子單變項變異數分析處理。結果發現:「以先動作而影像而符號」教學策略組的認知學習效果優於「先影像而符號」組與「符號」組。此項結果表示先給受試實物操作,再呈現圖片,最後呈現符號材料的教學效果優於先呈現圖片,再呈現符號材料的教學效果,更優於只呈現符號材料之教學效果。 為探討加速學習可行性,以北縣國小四年級學生共48名為受試。研究結果發現接受「先動作而影像而符號」加速學習組學生的認知學習效果優於未加速學習組學生。同時為進一步探討加速學習是否因年級不同而有所不同,再以北市國小四年級和五年級學生各96名為受試;結果發現:雖然四年級及五年級學生皆以「先動作而影像而符號」組認知學習效果最佳,以「先影像而符號」組次之,以「符號」組學習效果最差,但是,年級與教學策略之間有交互作用效果存在。表示四年級學生與五年級學生在各種教學策略間差距有顯著不同,其中以五年級學生的各種教學策略之間的差距顯然大於四年級學生在各種教學策略的差距。




The main purpose of this study was to test J. S. Bruner's theory of representation and to find out the applicability of his theory of instruction. According to Bruner, any domain of knowledge can be represented in three ways: by a set of actions (enactive representation), by a set of summary images or graphics (iconic representation), and by a set of symbolic or logical propositions (symbolic representation). If information is to be learned effectively, it must be translated into learner's ways of thinking and must be presented in proper sequences, that is from enactive to iconic and then to symbolic. In this study, a teat named ”Test of Cognitive Representation” was constructed according to Bruner's theory: (1) to compare the cognitive development of elementary school children in different grade levels and between boys and girls; (2) to compare the cognitive development of Junior high school students in 1-3 grade levels and between boys and girls; (3) to compare the cognitive development of gifted, normal, and mentally retarded children, in order to find out the differences of learning characteristics among these three populations; (4) to test the learning efficiency of different teaching strategies; and (5) to test the feasibility of acceleration of cognitive development. Five parts of experimental observations were undertaken. In part Ⅰ, it was found that there was significant difference between boys and girls on the cognitive development, and the enactive representational ability was the highest one in all grade levels of children, the ”iconic representation” the next, and the ”symbolic representation” the lowest. Besides, the higher grade the child went into, the more cognitive representational ability grew. In part Ⅱ, it was found that there was no significant difference in sex and grades on the congnitive development of Junior high students. In part Ⅲ, it showed that the cognitive development of the gifted was superior to that of the normal and that of the mentally retarded children. Furthermore, the gifted used more symbolic representation than normal and mentally retarded children did. In part Ⅳ, school children were randomly assigned to three groups, each group was taught to learn mathematics concepts by different teaching strategy. The results revealed that the group who was thaught by proper sequence, from enactive to iconic and then to symbolic, was superior to that of group who was taught to learn by symbolic representation directly. In part Ⅴ, the children of fourth grade were accelerated to learn mathematics concepts that were supposed to be difficult for them to learn. The results were compared against the control group of no accelerated learning. Evidence showed that the acceleration of cognitive development was feasible. All above these findings provide positive support for J. S. Bruner's assumption that ”……any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development.”




劉華仁(2008)。科際知識整合重要性研究初探: 以嘉義北回歸線太陽館為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00398
