  • 學位論文

科際知識整合重要性研究初探: 以嘉義北回歸線太陽館為例

The Preliminary Study on the Importance of Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Taking Solar Exploration Center in Taiwan As an Example

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋


綜觀人類文明的發展,在追求進步、遭遇困難及實現夢想的過程中,面臨著許多複雜且多元的考驗與挑戰。因應不斷演變的複雜與多元,倚賴人類早期單一的原理與知識並不足以解決,必須透過跨領域的科際知識整合,才得以發展出新的解答。小至悠遊卡的複合功能,大到地球暖化的生態議題,從愛滋病的醫學研究到多元智能的教育領域,科際知識整合在我們週遭不斷地發生。從現在到未來,儼然已成為不可避免的發展趨勢。 然而,現階段國內科際整合概念,運用在新知識的傳遞上仍不夠徹底。以太陽相關的知識為例,從諸多以太陽為主題的展覽及相關網站觀察發現,內容多朝天文及科技應用領域為主,鮮少人文與科技整合面向探討。只強調天文科學單面向知識的傳遞,除了易使學習者產生偏頗的知識謬誤,以為宇宙中的太陽系代表了太陽所有的知識,忽略日常生活中與太陽有關人文面的知識與智慧,如此不但容易發生「以管窺天」的狹隘認知,其缺乏科際整合性的思考訓練,亦將扼殺許多創意的發現與發展。因此,本研究以嘉義北回歸線太陽館為研究對象,運用文獻探討及田野調查等研究方法,分析嘉義北回歸線太陽館現況之優缺點,再從相關文獻中整合太陽的跨領域知識,提出更符合太陽館整合知識的展示內容建議,並冀以強調科際知識整合對人類未來發展之重要。研究成果為整合太陽跨領域的相關知識,提出整合性太陽知識應用於北回歸線太陽館之策略建議,並突顯科際整合知識的重要性。希冀藉由本研究的探討,提供相關研究者在策劃有關知識傳遞及展示時,能朝多元面向整合思考,避免知識偏狹與片面傳遞的現象發生。


Looking at the development of human civilization, we have faced many complex and diverse challenges in the process of seeking progress, solving problems and realizing our dreams. As tests and challenges are becoming more complex and diverse, we can no longer handle them with the knowledge of any single discipline accumulated by our ancestors, and new solutions can only be worked out with interdisciplinary approaches. From the compound functions of a small smartcard to the complex ecological issues relating to global warming; from medical studies on AIDS to the multiple intelligence of education, the application of interdisciplinary knowledge is everywhere. In fact, interdiscipline has already become an inevitable trend at the present and in future. However, the application of interdisciplinary concepts to the spread of new knowledge is adequate in Taiwan. Take the solar knowledge for instance. Astronomic and technological exhibitions and websites with contents relating to the sun are most common, and yet there is hardly any cultural or interdisciplinary knowledge about the sun. Such a one-sided emphasis on astronomic and scientific knowledge will easily bring bias and fallacy to students, who are left to believe that the solar system is all about the sun as they overlook the knowledge and wisdom derived from the sun in the daily life and culture. As a result, the narrow-minded perception of the sun will happen very easily, and the lack of training in interdisciplinary thinking will throttle many creative discoveries and developments. Therefore, this study analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the current exhibition contents of Solar Exploration Center in Chiayi by using literature review and field work in order to integrate the interdisciplinary knowledge for a better interpretation of the knowledge of sun in the Solar Exploration Center. Then, in an attempt to emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge to future human development. Results of this study include interdisciplinary knowledge of the sun, proposition of the application of the interdisciplinary knowledge of the sun to display at the Solar Exploration Center, and delineating the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge. Hope that the results of this study will contribute to the future interpretation of interdisciplinary knowledge.


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