  • 期刊


Analysis of the Components of Primary School Students' Learning Motivation and the Effects on Learning Behavior




The purposes of this study were: (1) to construct the Primary School Learning Motivation Scale and divided the learning motivation into components of value, expectation, and affect; (2) to explore the effects of value, expectation, and affect components of learning motivation on primary school students' learning behavior; (3) to discover the distribution status of the primary school students' value, expectation, and affect components of learning motivation. Participants of this study were 576 sixth-grade students in Taiwan. The research instruments employed were Primary School Learning Motivation Scale and Primary School Learning Behavior Scale. Data collected were analyzed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and descriptive statistics. Results of this study were as following: (1) both the theories and theories supported that primary school students' learning motivation consisted of value, expectation, and affect components; (2) all components of learning motivation significantly predicted students' learning behavior, and affect component showed a better predictor; (3) for value and expectation components of learning motivation, most primary school students tended to be positive, but only about a half of the students showed positive tendency for affect component of learning motivation. Finally, based on the research findings, possible implications for educators and suggestions for future research are provided by the researchers.


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