  • 期刊


Effects of Social-Cognitive Factors on School Satisfaction: An Empirical Validation of the SCCT Satisfaction Model in Macau Adolescents




Lent and Brown proposed a social cognitive model of work/education satisfaction, in which social-cognitive variables (environmental supports, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goal behavior) play key roles. This model was tested to examine the effect of social support, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and learning behavior on school satisfaction. The data was obtained from the Macau Adolescent Database, and 478 Macau junior and senior high school students were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the social cognitive model of work/education satisfaction fit well with the data. Peer support, teacher support, and self-efficacy positively and significantly predicted adolescents' school satisfaction. In addition, peer support and teacher support significantly predicted learning behavior and school satisfaction through self-efficacy. Implications of the findings for further research and practice on school satisfaction for Macau adolescents were discussed.


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吳盈瑩(2023)。國小自然科學領域教師SCCT滿意度模式之研究:以TIMSS 2019臺灣資料為例教育研究與實踐學刊70(2),25-51。https://doi.org/10.6701/JEPR.202312_70(2).0002
