  • 期刊

國小自然科學領域教師SCCT滿意度模式之研究:以TIMSS 2019臺灣資料為例

A Study of the SCCT Satisfaction Model in Elementary School Science Teachers: The Case of TIMSS 2019 Taiwan Data


本研究使用國際數學與科學成就趨勢調查(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS)2019年臺灣的調查資料,透過結構方程式驗證社會認知生涯理論滿意度模式,以探討環境支持、教師班級經營自我效能、學習目標導向之教學行為等社會認知因子對臺灣小學四年級自然領域教師工作滿意度的影響。研究對象為2019年任教於臺灣小學四年級的179位自然科學領域教師,資料來自國際數學與科學成就趨勢調查研究(TIMSS)資料庫。研究發現:社會認知生涯理論滿意度模式能解釋國小自然科學教師工作滿意度;環境支持、教師班級經營自我效能能預測教師工作滿意度;教師班級經營自我效能受環境支持影響,並影響教師工作滿意度;環境支持能預測學習目標導向之教學行為;學習目標導向之教學行為對教師工作滿意度不具顯著影響,在模型中與教師班級經營自我效能不具顯著相關。最後,依據結果提出國小自然科學領域教師工作滿意相關實務應用及未來研究上的建議。


The study was tested Social Cognitive Career Theory satisfaction model via Structural Equation Modeling using the survey data of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in Taiwan in 2019. The aim of the model was to explore the effect of environmental support, teacher class management self-efficacy, and learning goal-oriented teaching behavior on teachers' work satisfaction. The research participants were 179 fourth-grade science teachers in elementary school in Taiwan in 2019. The results indicated that Social Cognitive Career Theory satisfaction model fit well with the data. Environmental support and teachers' class management self- efficacy significantly predicted teachers' work satisfaction. In addition, environmental support significantly predicted teachers' class management self-efficacy. However, learning goal-oriented teaching behavior insignificantly predicted teachers' work satisfaction. Finally, according to the results, some suggestions on the practical application and future research on elementary science teachers' work satisfaction were discussed.


王秀惠、蔣佳玲(2005)。國小自然與生活科技領域教師教學效能感與教學行為之相關研究。物理教育,6(1),1-10。 http://dx.doi.org/10.6212/CPE.2005.0601.01
李啓迪(2021)。TIMSS2015 臺灣國中小數學與科學學習之學校環境(3)。科學教育月刊,443,2-19。http://dx.doi.org/10.6216/SEM.202110_(443).0001
