  • 期刊


Construction of the Work Adjustment Index: Base on Lifestyle Analysis


本研究旨在以生活型態調查資料為基礎,從資料分析中建構國民中學教師工作調適指數,並考驗該指數之效度。以「LOHAS生活型態問卷」為調查工具,針對台灣本島大台北、北、中、南、東五區的公私立472位國中教師進行調查,所得資料以分類與迴歸樹(CART)進行分析以選取題項,再以羅吉斯迴歸(logistic regression)決定各題目選項的配分,藉此建構教師的工作調適指數,指數建構後以團體差異分析法與效標關聯法進行效度考驗。分析結果顯示:(1)CART找出七種分類樹,並從中挑出以自我調適和反應改革為一類,離開環境和轉換跑道為一類的分類樹為較佳的分類樹;(2)從此一較佳的分類樹中找到六個題項,並以羅吉斯迴歸計算出各題選項的權重;(3)以效標關聯和團體差異比較方式所進行的效度考驗,顯示抗壓指數也與工作調適指數有顯著相關;性別、職務別和任教年資間有顯著差異。在生活型態資料基礎下,以CART和羅吉斯迴歸可以有效地建立國中教師之工作調適指數,且具有良好的效度,可供國中學校瞭解教師工作調適情況之用。


The purpose of the study was to construct the Work Adjustment Index (WAI) for junior high school teachers and to examine its validity. The index was constructed based on a lifestyle analysis. A total of 472 junior high school teachers completed the LOHAS lifestyle questionnaire. The survey data was analyzed using a classification and regression tree (CART) and logistic regression. The results of the study indicated that: (a) there were seven classification trees and one was optimal for constructing the WAIbased on two categories, one is "stay in the same position", and the other is "go away" (b) the WAI was composed of 6 items with different weight on their alternatives, and (c) validity was conducted through criterion validity and group comparison method. Significant differences on WAI were found for gender, job position, and teaching years, and there was significant positive correlation between stress against and work adjustment. The CART and logistic regression are good methods for constructing the WAI and this measure is useful in assessing teacher work adjustment.


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