  • 學位論文


A study of Work Adjustment for Comprehensive High School Staffs in Taipei

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究旨在探討臺北市綜合高中行政人員工作適應情形、分析其在工作適應過程所採取之方法以及在不同背景變項下工作適應之差異情形。本研究採訪談及問卷調查方式,自編「綜合高中學校行政人員工作適應調查問卷」作為研究工具,以臺北市21所綜合高中曾辦理或目前仍辦理綜合高中業務之學校行政人員為研究對象。問卷共計寄發335份,回收有效問卷252份,有效問卷回收率為75%。統計方法採次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比分配、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、交叉表、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析與二因子變異數分析。獲致結論如下: 一、臺北市綜合高中行政人員在工作能力適配度、工作需要適配度均已達適配程度,且絕大多數行政人員也已適應目前綜合高中業務工作。 二、臺北市綜合高中行政人員在人際溝通之工作能力上有不錯的表現;但獨立 處理問題的能力則還有成長的空間。 三、臺北市綜合高中行政人員在利他及舒適環境的工作需要能被滿足;但自主、成就感與升遷發展的工作需要則有待提昇。 四、行政知識與實務、人際溝通、問題解決及服務精神,此四項工作能力是影響綜合高中行政人員工作能力適配度之必要因素;正常上下班、與同事和樂互動、在業務上獲得即時指導與協助、以及不違法,此四項工作需要則是影響其工作需要適配度之重要但非必要因素。 五、綜合高中行政人員採取工作適應之方式有提昇自我工作能力、向他人抱怨、與主管溝通、努力接受工作環境要求、暫時逃避等,其中採取與主管溝通之適應方式者為最多。 六、兼任一級主管教師之工作適應明顯優於兼任二級主管教師;此外目前仍辦理綜合高中業務之行政人員的工作適應明顯優於已離開綜合高中業務工作崗位者。


The purposes of this study were to examine the degree of work adjustment for comprehensive high school staffs in Taipei, to determine major methods the staffs took during work adjustment process, and to analyze distinctions of the staffs’ work adjustment regarding different background variables. The research methods included interviewing and questionnaire survey. A self-developed instrument named 「The Questionnaire of Work Adjustment for Comprehensive High School Staffs」 was mailed to the subjects in the April of 2005. The subjects of this study were school staffs who had been or were involving in administrative work at comprehensive high schools in the city of Taipei. A total of 335 questionnaires were sent to the samples, and 252 valid questionnaires were returned. The rate of valid retrieved was 75%. After data analyses, the major findings and conclusions are summarized as following: 1.Most Taipei comprehensive high school staffs achieved minimal correspondence with their work environment on work abilities and work needs. The majority of staffs has adapted to their jobs. 2.Taipei comprehensive high school staffs have good performance on interpersonal communication, but the problem solution ability needed to be strengthened. 3.Taipei comprehensive high school staffs’ work needs for comfortable and beneficial-for-all environment were fulfilled, but their need for self-determination, the sense of achievement and the need for promotion still leaves much to be promoted. 4.The mandatory factors determining Taipei comprehensive high school staffs’ working ability included executive knowledge and experience, interpersonal communication, problem-solving ability and service attitude. Besides, four important yet not necessary working satisfactory elements involved coming off work in time, interacting with colleagues peacefully, receiving instant instruction and help in business, and conform to laws. 5.The adjustment methods Taipei comprehensive high school staffs adopt included promoting work ability, complaining to others, communicating with the supervisor, trying to accept the requests, and refuge for a moment. Communicating with the supervisor was most common. 6.Teachers who served in first-level manager position concurrently adapted to their job better than those serving in second-level manager position. Besides, those still handling with comprehensive high school works obviously adapted to their work much better than those resigning.




