  • 期刊


The Relationship between Future Time Perspective, and Self-Regulated Learning among College Students: An Examination of the Mediating Role of Perceived Instrumentality


本研究旨在探討大學生未來時間觀、知覺工具性與自我調整學習之相關情形及知覺工具性的中介效果,並藉由性別、年級、出生序及家庭社經地位等背景變項,檢視各向度之現況和差異情形。研究對象為臺灣北、中、南三個地區1314 位大學生,問卷調查主要包含「未來時間觀量表」、「知覺工具性量表」,以及「自我調整學習量表」。所得的資料以皮爾森積差相關、典型相關、多元迴歸、描述性統計,以及單因子多變量變異數分析進行統計考驗。有四項主要研究發現:(1)知覺工具性與自我調整學習有典型相關;(2)未來時間觀與知覺工具性,以及自我調整學習之間有顯著正相關;(3)無論內因型與外因型工具性皆對未來時間觀和自我調整學習有部分中介效果;(4)部份背景變項會影響大學生未來時間觀、知覺工具性與自我調整學習。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences of future time perspective, perceived instrumentality, and self-regulated learning of college students across different demographic variables, and the correlation among each other. Furthemore, the present study examinated the mode rating effect of perceived instrumentality. Study samples were collected from 1,314 college students in Taiwan. All the participants completed the Future Time Perspective Scale, Perceived Instrumentality Scale, and Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire. Through descriptive statistics, MANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, canonical correlational analysis, and multiple regression analysis, the main findings of the study are as follows: (1) There was a significant canonical correlation between perceived instrumentality and self-regulated learning. (2) Future time perspective was significantly and positive correlated with self-regulated learning and perceived instrumentality. (3) both endogenous instrumentality and exogenous instrumentality partially mediate the relationship between future time perspective and self-regulated learning. (4) Future time perspective of college students varied significantly across their grade level, birth order, and social economic status. The perceived instrumentality of college students varied significantly across grade level, birth order, and social economic status.


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