

脛骨平臺骨折是一種關節內骨折,其發生率雖然各家報告不一,但尚稱常見。其治療方法採用保守療法抑或手術療法仍有諸多爭議。雖然有關文章在國內外醫學雜誌屢見不鮮,但因各家分類不同評估對象,標準不一,故無法客觀比較。然而脛骨平臺骨折是一種人體載重的關節內骨折,若治療不當,往往造成關節僵硬變形及早期外傷性關節炎。 我們採用SCHATZKER’S分類,把三軍總醫院最近四年中82位脛骨平臺骨折病例加以分類,再分別以各類型骨折病例來分析受傷機轉、相關膝關節傷害、骨質疏鬆及治療方法等,與最終結果之關係。我們發現在TYPE III病例中,骨質疏鬆比例最高而其受傷機轉多因輕微受傷引起,而膝關節相關傷害則以TYPE IV V VI各型骨折較多見本文顯示無論保守療法或手術療法都必須做到完美的骨折復位堅牢的骨折固定及儘早關節活動並注意到相關的膝關節傷害,才能得到滿意的結果。




Total 82 cases of tibial plateau fracture treated at Tri-Service General Hospital from January, 1982 to March 1986, have been reviewed. There was one case suffering from tibial plateau fracture of both limbs which we distinct to discussion as two separate cases. Forty-two patients were treated by closed methods and 41 were treated operatively. Sixty-eight patients had completed follow up for 11 months minimally. We adopt Schatzker’s classification and analysis of our cases for each fracture type with absolute numbers and percentages. The results were assessed according to the criteria of Hohl and Luck. Osteoporosis and associated injuries to the knee in our series had correlated with each type of fracture and end results. The present review suggests that reconstruction of ligamentous or osseous stability with rigid fixation will obtain early mobilization-not only resulting in good functional recovery but also preventing early degenerative arthritis.


tibia plateau


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