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Effects of the Mediterranean Diet, and n-3 Fatty Acid and Vitamin E Supplementation on Preventing or Delaying Dementia: a Mini-review


隨著全球人口老齡化,失智問題日益嚴重。相較於藥物處理,飲食療法較無副作用且便宜。本篇簡介主要探討預防及處理失智症的飲食療法,地中海飲食特色為富含全穀類、蔬果、豆類、橄欖油,適量的酒精及乳製品並減少紅肉類等食物可降低心血管的風險,因此間接或直接減少罹患失智症的風險,但對於預防失智症及認知功能障礙仍缺乏高品質的證據。攝取較多深海魚類可能可以降低阿茲海默症的風險,與失智症處理可能的機轉包括n-3 PUFAs具有抗氧化、抗發炎作用。維生素E具有抗氧化作用,每天補充2000 IU可用於延緩輕度、中度的阿茲海默症進展,但對於預防阿茲海默症、其他失智症則不建議規律補充維生素E。


Dementia is an increasingly serious problem as the global population ages. Compared to drug treatment, dietary therapies have fewer adverse side effects and cost less. The present mini-review discusses dietary therapies for preventing and delaying dementia. The Mediterranean-style diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, and uses olive oil as the main source of fat. It has been associated with a variety of health benefits, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, which may directly or indirectly reduce the dementia risk. High-quality evidence of the preventive effect of the Mediterranean-style diet on cognitive impairment and dementia is lacking, however. Higher fish oil consumption was associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. There are biologically plausible explanations for the role of omega-3 in treating dementia: omega-3 fatty acids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect; 2000 IU supplementation daily can delay the progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, but regular vitamin E supplementation for preventing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias is not recommended.


