  • 期刊


Human Injuries as a Reconstruction Parameter in Traffic Accidents


為能輔助監理與司法機構運用肇事重建技術判斷肇事雙方之肇事責任歸屬,本研究為增進現行肇事鑑定作業程序之客觀因素,增列未盡考量之乘員損傷部份,建構肇事重建之流程,反推車禍事故前之撞擊速度,作為「以果推因」之肇事重建模式,以提供相關單位作為肇事鑑定之參考。因此本研究將探討不同速度正面撞擊時,計算人偶頭部加速度值,並依據美國FMVSS 208法規計算頭部傷害指標(HIC)之量化值,來判斷乘客損傷程度與受傷量化值之關係,進一步由己知之受傷結果反推撞擊前之速度,以建構受傷量化值與撞擊速度之對應關係。為確定以人體損傷條件所建立肇事重建模式的正確性,本研究建構之肇事鑑定程序,經文獻中三個車禍事故實例比對,所得知之結果與實際車禍撞擊速度差異性小,由此可知,此方式可作為判定肇事鑑定之客觀因素與增進鑑定之可信度。


To help the judiciary to identify responsibility for traffic accident, accidents reconstruction gives the possibility of reconstructing the original course of events. So far, human injuries have not been discussed in the literature, in relation to traffic accident reconstruction. In this paper, we develop an accident reconstruction model using human injuries criteria. The acceleration of a human head during a crash is discussed. According to the FMVSS No. 208 specification, Head Injury Criteria (HIC) are calculated. Impact velocities have been deduced, in this model, working backward from human injuries. The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the details of traffic accidents. This is extremely important in legal assessment of the drivers' responsibilities for causing accidents. Additionally, we have performed reconstruction analyses of several actual accidents and have discussed the accuracy of present reconstruction models. These models can be useful for crash reconstruction and can also improve accuracy in investigation of accidents.
