  • 期刊


Car Theft Prevention Scheme Based on RFID Dynamic Grouping Tags


本文改善Saito與Sakurai之群組驗證(Grouping Proof)方法,提出結構簡單、安全性高的RFD動態調整式群組標籤(Grouping Tags)驗證方法,並將之應用於汽車防盜機制。汽車原廠爲每部汽車建構一定數量之電子標籤(Tags)群組,購車者再依其個別需要組合其中數個RFD電子標籤構成子群組,以產生其子群組驗證符,做爲查驗本子群組電子標籤是否全部存在的依據。若子群組所有電子標籤皆全部存在時,汽車才能被啟動。本文所提RFID動態調整式群組標籤汽車防盜機制,其採用可彈性改變組成群組標籤的個體數量,做爲辨識汽車所有人的依據,相較於市面上採用單一且固定電子標籤內容或使用金屬鑰匙的防盜機制,顯然具有兼顧攜帶方便、容易操作及安全性高的特性,相信能提升汽車防盜功能。


In this paper, a modified version of the Grouping Proof as described by Saito and Sakurai is proposed. By employing RFID dynamic grouping tags, a simpler and more secure identification scheme is suggested, and its application to car theft prevention is studied. A group of certain number RFID electronic tags is first provided by the car manufacturer. A car buyer then combines some of those tags to form subgroups, and corresponding grouping proofs are generated. Existence of all tags in a subgroup is checked by the grouping proof. Starting the car will oily be possible if a subgroup has all of its tags in the proof. The RFID dynamic grouping tags allow each car buyer to choose his/her own number of tags to form the subgroup. Hence, dynamic grouping offers more secure, more mobile, aid easier to operate features than other car theft prevention practices, such as a tag with fixed content or metal keys. Thus, car theft prevention should overall be enhanced.


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