  • 期刊


Fabrication of Solid-State Electrochromic Display Devices by Combining Lift-Off and Thin Film Deposition Technology




This work has been concentrated on the fabrication of solid-state electrochromic display devices with double-sided electrochromic layers. The different images in the double-sided electrochromic layer can be revealed by applying positive and negative potential alternately. The specific patterns of the display were made on ITO glass by the lift-off process. And the tungsten oxide electrochromic layers of the display were prepared by RF sputtering because it can provide better electrochromic properties than sol-gel process. A reversible color change between blue and colorless was observed when appropriate positive and negative voltage were applied alternately to the electrochromic display device. The tungsten oxide electrochromic film has short bleach-coloration transition time when applying appropriate voltage of-3V/+3V. Switch-ing the colour takes about 3.87 seconds while the associated memory time is several hours. Turning off the colour takes about 2.86 seconds. The color depth of electrochromic film can be controlled by adjusting the magnitude of driving voltage. Furthermore, monitoring the changes in Raman spectra of the electrochromic films with bleach-coloration states enables the discussion of the mechanism of colouration. Finally, the electrochromic layers can also be made on PET substrate to produce a flexible electrochromic display device. In the future, the multiplicity of images of the electrochromic display devices may be enhanced by improving lift-off process and designing circuit.
