  • 期刊


Implementation of Array-Based Optical Inspection Device and Uniformity Compensation for Led Display Modules


發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode, LED)已廣泛應用在室外顯示看板、TFT-LCD背光源及各種照明等。然其單一模組之品質如發光均勻性等,造成大型化LED面板組立後之品質問題仍有待改善。爲了提升LED顯示模組的生產品質,本研究設計研製一16×16陣列型數位光電檢測模組,並建構一套快速亮度檢測及自動補償裝置。可自動檢測彩色LED面板的亮度分佈,並執行均勻度補償運算。再運用LED之硬體式亮度補償電路,可有效提昇LED顯示模組亮度均勻性。本研究以2R1G1BLED顯示模組(16×16LEDs)之實驗結果顯示,經自動補償後均勻度可達98%以上,效果相當明顯,且任一灰階之檢測時間只要1秒左右,驗證本系統確實能有效的提高LED模組生產品質,具有線上實用價值。


The wide applications of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) include message displays, TFT-LCD backlight, and lighting sources. However, the integration quality for large LEDs panel, made of LED array modules, is still under development. To improve the quality of a LED array module, this study develops a speedy array-based luminance inspection device with 16×16 digital optical sensors which were calibrated to measure the luminance distribution of an LED module for different grey levels. An Automatic Optical Inspection system for LED modules is set up to automatically analyze and compute the luminance uniformity. An LED module driver with hardware-based Compensated Look Up Table (CLUT) is also built to improve the non-uniformity luminance of a LED module. Some 2R1G1B LED modules (16×16 LEDs) from local industry have been verified in this study. From the experimental results, an improved luminance uniformity of over 98% was achieved. The inspection time for any grey level of a 16×16 LED module can be reduced to about 1 second. Therefore, this Automatic Optical Inspection implementation is feasible for industrial applications
