  • 期刊


The Study of Aspirating Smoke Detector System with Fire Dynamics Simulator


本研究透過以計算流體力學為基礎之「火災模擬軟體(fire dynamics simulator, FDS)」,模擬抽氣式偵煙探測器(aspirating smoke detector system, ASD)應用於挑高大空間。FDS模擬結果與全尺寸煙霧實驗做分析比對、互相驗證。研究發現以FDS模擬,發出警報的時間會較早,約10-30秒。FDS之模擬結果偏向樂觀,對於防火設計上較為不安全。因此若使用FDS模擬ASD設計,對於模擬數據之參考需有安全值規劃,方能貼近實際之煙霧實驗。惟此安全值之比率仍需更多實驗的分析與統計。


This study has employed a Fire Dynamics Simulator that is based on Fluid Dynamics to simulate the application of Aspirating Smoke Detector System in High-ceiling Spaces. The FDS simulation result has been analyzed and compared with Full-Scale Smoke Experiments. According to the study results, the alarm would be set off about 10-30 seconds sooner when applying FDS simulation. However, the result of FDS simulation might be too optimistic to have a secure fire protection planning. Therefore, a safety limit should be set for ASD Design with FDS Simulation for a closer result to the actual smoke experiment. However, the ratio of the safety limit will still need to be derived from more experimental analysis and statistics.
