  • 學位論文


Application of simulation to explore the influence of research results of hospital fire evacuation under different complexity parameter configurations

指導教授 : 楊康宏


當火災發生時,往往造成許多財物損失,甚至是人員的傷亡。在過去不難找到人員傷亡及財物損失慘重的火災事故,一旦發生災害,帶來的損傷是無法估量的。醫療產業在台灣是相當發達的行業,其中包括醫院、長照中心及護理之家皆屬於其中。 本研究針對醫療院所為研究對象,透過Flexsim模擬軟體,將醫療場域資訊匯入軟體中,並考慮護理人力、床位配置及病患數量等。透過模擬不同的參數及規劃,探討複雜度參數對於火災疏散影響的關聯性。本研究將透過觀察流程、蒐集相關數據後建構模擬模型,並依照情境進行參數功能的設定。在研究分析上則導入複雜度量化的概念,將模擬結果與複雜度量化進行分析比較後,並以迴歸分析進行驗證。 藉由分析能夠了解在不同情境下對應的疏散時間與複雜度,找出不同參數下最適當之配置並給予建議,協助醫療院所檢視當前緊急疏散計畫並提升醫療品質與病患安全。


When a fire occurs, it often causes a lot of property damage and even casualties. In the past, it was not difficult to find fire accidents with heavy casualties and property losses. Once a disaster occurs, the damage caused is immeasurable. The medical industry is quite developed in Taiwan, including hospitals, long-term care centers and nursing homes. This study takes medical institutions as the research object. Using the Flexsim simulation software, the medical field information is imported into the software, and the model considers nursing staff, bed configuration, and number of patients. By simulating different parameters and planning, the correlation of complexity parameters on fire evacuation is discussed. In this study, a simulation model will be constructed by observing the process, collecting relevant data, and setting parameter functions according to the situation. In the analysis, the concept of complex quantification is introduced, the simulation results are analyzed and compared with the complex quantification, and the regression analysis is used to verify. Through analysis, it is possible to understand the corresponding evacuation time and complexity in different situations. Find the most appropriate configuration under different parameters and give suggestions to help medical institutions review the current emergency evacuation plan and improve medical quality and patient safety.


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