  • 期刊


An Evaluation Model to Assess a Site Development for Leisure Agriculture for Leisure Agriculture


近年來我國農業的發展因受經貿自由化、國際化等衝擊,使得農業問題層出不窮。而週休二日制正開始實施,户外休閒活動將成爲日常生活中不可或缺的一環。在觀光遊憩需求及走向多樣化的刺激下,農業發展已走向以觀光遊憩與農業生產結合的經營型態。而台灣地區農業休閒資源豐富,且自民國七十八年起,相關農政單位即在全省各地積極規劃休閒農業區,但卻未能發揮農業與農村應有的休閒功能,農民的配合意願亦相對減低。因此,研擬一套完整的休閒農業整體發展評估模式乃是當務之急。 本研究首先就相關理論做一探討,配合休閒農業發展之特質,研擬休閒農業整體發展之基本理念,以爲本研究之理論基礎。其次,探討評估理論及發展休閒農業之評估因子及準則,並據此建構休閒農業整體發展評估模式。最後,依此評估模式應用於彰化縣田中鎮之休閒農業整體發展之評估,並提出該鎮未來發展全鎮休閒農業的地區及開發優先次序,以爲農政單位發展休閒農業之參考依據。


For a long time, the agriculture development in Taiwan has been underlining in quantity raising and quality promoting. Recently, we are impacted by trade liberalization and business internalization leading to a spatial limitation for agriculture development. Due to the policy of five working days a week, the life style of Taiwan people will change correspondently. Consequently, leisure activities play an influential role in daily life. Under the tourism needs, agriculture development is thus led to another managerial form by combining producing with tourism. In Taiwan, leisure agricultural resources are somehow abundant and there are still some potential places worthy to develop. Therefore, our evaluation the integration of agriculture development should be seriously considerated. Otherwise, it could cause a resource waste or a vicious cycle of competition. This study tries to examine theories in concerning with the features of leisure agriculture, to form a theoritical basic for study. Then, the elements and principals in leisure agriculture are analysed from where the development and evaluation model is constructed. Finally, the model is applied to evaluate comprehensive development of leisure agriculture in Tien-Chung Town in Chang-Hua County. Based on the evaluation result, an agriculture integration is explicated for specific zones and the development order, which directly provides our agriculture authorities with a more completed data in the development of leisure agriculture.


