  • 學位論文


A Study of Location Choice of Taiwan Coffee Industry in Alliance with Leisure Agriculture

指導教授 : 陳淑恩 博士


近年來臺灣各地掀起一股「臺灣咖啡」的熱潮,農民紛紛搶種咖啡。但因咖啡生產成本高,若要發展臺灣咖啡產業,有必要結合地方文化、觀光、休閒農業,並評估臺灣咖啡產業結合休閒農業區位發展之優先排序。因此,本研究之研究目的為先瞭解國內咖啡產業發展概況,然後建立臺灣發展咖啡生產結合休閒農業區位選擇之評估準則,以評估四個咖啡產區發展咖啡產業之優先排序,並擬定臺灣咖啡產業區位發展之競爭策略。經由咖啡相關產業經營者、學術單位、政府單位之專家問卷調查資料,本研究採取AHP層級分析法進行分析。 本研究建立四層級之AHP層級分析架構,包括「自然條件」、「生產因素」、「行銷因素」及「環境資源」之四項評估準則及17項次評估準則。評估臺灣咖啡產業結合休閒農業區位選擇之方案層級,則包括:國姓鄉(南投縣)、古坑鄉(雲林縣)、梅山鄉(嘉義縣)、東山鄉(臺南縣)。經本研究之研究結果顯示,影響臺灣咖啡產業區位選擇的評估準則之重要性,依次為:自然條件、行銷因素、環境資源、生產因素;次評估準則之重要性,前五項依次為:產銷組織、氣候、水土保持、接近市場、交通便利性。四鄉鎮區位選擇方案之優勢排序為:古坑鄉、東山鄉、梅山鄉、國姓鄉。發展古坑鄉的咖啡產業策略,宜強化其產銷組織、接近市場、交通便利性、鄰近遊憩資源結合度、烘焙技術上的相對優勢。


In recent years, the "Taiwan Coffee" has become a hot topic and many farmers have invested in coffee growth. Because the production costs of coffee in Taiwan are relatively high, the development of coffee industry in Taiwan must be alliance with leisure agriculture. Through understanding the development of the Taiwan coffee industry and developing the evaluation criteria framework, the purpose of this study is to investigate the location choice of Taiwan coffee industry in alliance with leisure agriculture. The expert questionnaire survey and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be adopted in this study. In the evaluation criteria framework, natural conditions, production factors, marketing factors, and environmental resources are selected as criteria. Guosing Township at Nantou County, Gukeng Township at Yunlin County, Meishan Township at Chiayi County, Dongshan Township at Tainan County are selected as alternatives. The results of this study show that the priority order of criteria is: natural conditions, marketing factors, and environmental resources, and production factors. The top five priorities of sub-criteria are: production-marketing organization, climate, water and soil conservation, close to the market, and traffic convenience. The priority order of four alternatives to develop Taiwan coffee industry in alliance with leisure agriculture is: Gukeng Township, Dongshan Township, Meishan, and Guosing Township. The strategies to develop coffee industry at Gukeng Township will be suggested to enforce the advantages of production-marketing organization, close to the market, traffic convenience, fitness of tourism resources nearby, and baking technology.



