  • 期刊


The Relationships among Family Structure, Parental Attachment, and Family Leisure Involvement: The Viewpoint of Adolescents




The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among family structure, parental attachment, and family leisure involvement. This study chooses children aged between 12 and 18 years in four metropolitan areas in Taiwan as the sampling population. The cluster sampling approach was used to collect samples. The statistics find that parental attachment, communication and alienation have significant effects on family leisure involvement. Communication and alienation also have significant effects on core family leisure and balance family leisure, while trust only has significant effects on balance family leisure. The statistics also find that family structure is not only a predictor of family leisure involvement, but also a moderator of the relationship between parental attachment and family leisure involvement. These findings indicate that parent can promote family leisure involvement by using strategies which increase the levels of communication and trust or decrease the level of alienation with their children.


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