  • 期刊


Exploring Equestrian Enterprises and Examining the Relationship between Service Experiences and Loyalty of Recreationists among Equestrian Clubs


本研究旨在探討馬術活動之經營型態,並驗證馬術活動消費者服務體驗與忠誠度之間的線性關係。利用田野考察及現場問卷調查收集資料,以SPSS 17.0進行敘述性統計分析,以LISREL 8.70進行驗證性因素分析及結構模式分析。研究結果顯示目前全台有約經營四十家馬術活動的業者,馬術活動業者經營型態可分成四大類(馬術俱樂部、馬術寄養、馬匹治療、及觀光馬場),其中以馬術俱樂部經營型態數量最多共21家。實證分析結果顯示,馬術活動消費者服務體驗中的設施構面顯著的直接影響態度忠誠度,間接影響行為忠誠度。馬術活動消費者服務構面顯著的直接影響態度忠誠度,間接影響行為忠誠度。馬術活動消費者態度忠誠度顯著及正向的直接影響行為忠誠度。態度忠誠度在設施及服務構面與行為忠誠度之間扮演顯著的中介效應。最後、本研究之研究發現提供後續研究及俱樂部經營管理者之參考。


This study aims to explore the business and administration pattern of equestrian enterprises as well as to examine the relationship between service experience, attitudinal loyalty, and behavioral loyalty using samples of equestrian recreationists. Data collection was performed using field survey and on-site questionnaire survey. Descriptive statistics were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis were performed using LISREL 8.70 for Windows. The results indicated that there are approximately 40 equestrian enterprises distributed widely in Taiwan. The business and administration type has been classified into four types: equestrian club, foster care, hippotherapy, and horse ranch, in which the equestrian club is dominant for recreationists. Analytical results indicated that the facility dimension positively and significantly affected attitudinal loyalty directly and behavioral loyalty indirectly. Service experience positively and significantly affected attitudinal loyalty directly and affected behavioral loyalty indirectly. Attitudinal loyalty mediated the relationship between service experience and behavioral loyalty. The paper concludes by identifying the conceptual relationships and discussing the practical management implications of the findings.


Equestrian club Service experience Loyalty


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